00:35:248 (1,2,3,4,1) - 00:48:048 (1,2,3,4,1) - these patterns feels kinda too underwhelming movement-wise compared to the other wubs you've mapped in this section; I personally think that adding some spacing variation for the kick sliders in these patterns can easily make them look more interesting and fun to play. (I also feel like they will fits better with the "slightly loose" aesthetic you did in this map)
this would break mapper's intention where he tried to use DS concept to emphasis the ever-similar sound of the wubs (though mapper did use DS concept throughout the map, which i think is pretty cool already)
also while i agree both are underwhelming in the term of movement and gameplay impact, i think they still serve as good introduction for 1/4 slider spams since they appeared in the earliest part of the music's context where wub sounds are considerably still low
00:36:448 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - considering what i said at #4282116/11404299, i think you can nerf the movement in this pattern as the spikes are considerably a bit too high.
executing similar pattern on similar rhythm at 00:49:248 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - would be much preferable to serve as a nice difficulty progression
00:39:648 (1,2,3) - i would much prefer to have them spaced for readability/aesthetics. https://riffy.s-ul.eu/gZVN7m3g.png
if you really want to highlight 1/3s, then new combos would do just fine
00:46:048 (1,1) - considering the intensity of the piano note here i'd say that you have to move them apart a lil more https://riffy.s-ul.eu/eiFpI32p.png
00:52:848 (4,1) - i think u can continue the 1/6 snap to emphasis the wub sound so it's much profounded. something like
though u really need to rearrange the wub pattern after that
01:02:648 (10,1) - this is the only time you choose to separate the objects in this section when the 1/2 snare drums occurs; I feel like with the spacing it has, it unnecessarily brings too much player's attention to the snares while you are mainly focusing on the other rhythm here. I think it'd be better if you either follow the same object grouping logic in later part of this section, or just simply lower the spacing here.
kinda second this, most of the pattern logic there mostly follows melody (and sometimes kick which still follow melody tunes), but this is the only instance where you emphasis the snare which doesn't really connect on the grouping pattern that are trying to emphasis.
since you did ds non-jump on similar rhythm at 01:13:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ,i believe you can do this to for 01:00:848 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
01:03:848 (7,1) - come on brother bring those two closer together. that's too harsh for a spacing change, especially when compared to 01:07:048 (8,1) -