all difficulties have way too slow slider velocity, try to set it in a way that you can complete the slider while holding walk buttons on (and not have to spam click)
timing panel -> slider velocity -> change the value
cup could be 1.9, salad 2.0, platter 2.1, though you can play around these for a bit, the point is just that these would be more walkable
some more tags you can add: fa, 東方project project team shanghai alice 宮古 芳香 td shinreibyou divine spirit mausoleum th13 th 13 uc リジッドパラダイス rigid paradise stage 3 theme 宮古芳香 yoshika miyako zun パインツリー toho music vgm
Avoid using combo colours with ~50 luminosity or lower. Dark colours impact the readability of fruits with low background dim. change combo colour 4 and maybe 5 to be brighter