Timing at the beginning, some things I noticed:
00:01:956 (1956|1,2205|0) - i think these 2 are a little late
00:05:402 (5402|2) - this could be on 00:05:390 - instead (1/8)
some more intro snaps
*00:01:976 (1976|1) - should be on 00:01:951 - (1/12)
*00:02:225 (2225|0) - should be on 00:02:125 - (1/6)
*00:05:410 (5410|2) - should be on 00:05:397 - (1/12)
*00:05:597 (5597|1) - should be on 00:05:572 - (1/6)
00:12:845 (12845|1) - some justification for this note? the lyrics are "hurt me so.." so i think deleting this note/extending the previous (so) could add more emphasis to the "bad" after this (musical phrasing)
super subjective but I think this would work better as a rice note, it's much quieter/shorter than 00:13:314 (13314|0) -
the offset is missing there, but i think you was talking about 00:12:865 (12865|1) - :
this can be the same justification i gave on #4256345/11333204 since i consider it part of the vocal, enchanted the muteness of it by avoiding stacking it with other lns.
but since this is the second mod on the same concernn i'd rather modify it, im fine with it tho
00:18:839 (18839|2,18839|0) - i disagree with having this on the same key (1,3) here given that the 2nd snare of the amen break is a little lower in pitch than the first
yeah but 00:18:689 (18689|0,18689|2,18839|0,18839|2) - are really similar, you wont notice the differenct mid-gameplay, i'd rather keep them stacked in even to keep a good emphasizing on 00:18:989 (18989|3,18989|1) -
00:27:980 (27980|2,27980|3,28054|1,28129|3,28204|2,28279|0,28279|1,28354|3,28429|0,28504|3) - more emphasis on the snares on this section maybe with minijacks
00:29:478 (29478|1,29478|0) - this could be a grace note given that the snare plays a low and then high pitch, could add more emphasis given that the vocal chop for the predrop is not there
mhh i'll decline this, mainly for 2 reasons:
00:57:950 (57950|1,57950|0) - i dont rlly like the double here given that there's no kick to back it up
sure, at first i thought to add that doublet in order to pitch better the change but i found out that keeping 00:57:950 (57950|0) - on the 1st column lonely works, soo yeah removed 00:57:950 (57950|1) -
sidenote: moved 00:58:249 (58249|0) - on 3rd column
00:57:970 - yay so insane gave me a justification to point this out
this can be spicier!!!! I like the trilly pattern in insane. Since this diff's pattern is easier to play maybe you could use a trillier approach like insane does? ofc the burst at the end means it can't be hte same pattern but yea I think this part could be a bit harder. it could always be something like
for example
00:59:318 (59318|1,59393|0,59468|1,59543|1) - hmm I feel like these trills with 1/4 LNs into jacks on the same hand could be avoided to make things slightly more comfortable. maybe the trills could move onto the other hand instead like
imo these 00:59:918 (59918|3,59993|3,60067|2,60142|3) - should be ok since they don't have the coordination aspect of the 1/4 LN
well, ideaaaaally I'd prefer them to be a little more separated between hands since this sort of OH tech patterning isn't really used elsewhere (especially since the rest of the map is a lot easier than this part) but I don't think it's mandatory or anything it just kinda makes this section feel a bit spiky compared to the rest of the map
instead kept the same the transitional pattern like 01:00:442 (60442|0,60517|1,60592|3,60592|0,60667|2,60742|2) - and company, these i dont think are a big deal to be played compared with the first one mentioned.
break snaps (btw with these and the intro snaps, I am really awful at playing slowjams so if these make the slowjams harder then simplifying them to what you have is 100% fine)
01:08:609 (68609|1) - should be on 01:08:584 - (1/12)
01:08:834 (68834|0) - should be on 01:08:784 - (1/12)
01:13:404 (73404|1) - should be on 01:13:354 - (1/6)
01:19:398 (79398|3,79548|3,79698|3) - and 01:19:848 (79848|1,79998|1,80147|1) - I'd recommend making this part more like 01:20:597 (80597|1,80672|2,80747|0,80747|1,80822|3,80897|0,80972|1,81046|2,81046|3) - and 01:21:796 (81796|1,81871|2,81946|1,81946|0,82021|3,82095|0,82170|1,82245|2,82245|3) - for flow reasons, the 3 note anchors make this part feel more rigid to play even though the hihats aren't getting more intense here