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00:02:040 - to 00:14:507 - the 1/4 short LN seems very repetitive, I'd suggest adding more variety in the LN lengths, however you want to do it. The current feels bland.

You could try an LN release skillset here, much like
and this will become a much better build up entering 00:14:507 -

00:02:104 (2104|1) - should be at 00:02:137 - I believe.


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00:14:507 - to 00:20:191 - It's a bit confusing on what the LN lengths are going to exactly, atleast it's hard for me to follow.
00:17:433 - compare to . 00:15:970 - and 00:14:507 - etc, I'd probably see about making them more consistent overall with eachother.

Could probably amplify some more finger control by keeping the previous LN release skillset, and adding more patterning ontop of it.


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00:19:157 - to 00:20:191 - might want to recheck this, 1/4 sounds completely off.
I believe u could map the piano which is 1/3 and pattern around that at 1/1 and 1/2 with some drum and snares.


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00:20:517 - to 00:23:908 - can have even more patterning variety by having perhaps one or 2 of these LNs be extended.

I'd probably suggest remapping this section with that idea, maybe into something for visually appealing.


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Was the bass at 00:52:894 - left out for patterning sake? If not perhaps u could add something there.


is this intended to not match with 00:52:826 (52826|6,52826|2,52826|0) - ?
could add triple.


Fixed this ty

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03:07:458 - (erased self / Nakano Yuko) Removed minijacks from here as they felt too forced


03:47:005 - (erased self / Nakano Yuko) Made this a repeating motif throughout the rice section instead of bursts that were otherwise too simple
