00:54:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:55:889 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - both of theese jump patterns feel kinda unstructured compared to the other jumps/patterns in that section, you could do better here imo, also would suggest to also nerf the a bit since it the start of on the lower intesity sections of the map (+start of the map)
01:16:971 (7,8) - so much momentum is lost here since you stand basicly still for those 2 kick since you dont move at all although it doesnt really fit to the section, space theese out more, kind of like https://i.imgur.com/6DCzJ2i.jpeg
Thats because of the slider lenience that you dont play the slider out at all - 02:34:943 (1,2) - this in comparison plays way better since you need to play the whole slider so the momentum is still there
also you could space 01:15:889 (1,1) - way more since the downbeat and start of a new "section"
01:23:187 (1,2,3) - here kind of simular to before, you can space these way more, rn there are negative diff-spikes even tho the music goes rly hard.
Keep in mind the momentum + movement the player has for theese patterns (how they are supposed to be played) compared to the rest of the section so in the end playing wise the consistency+cohesion to the song is still there
01:24:673 (8) - this on the otherhand goes too hard imo since its too much of a sudden diff-spike and the transition to 01:24:673 (8,1) - is rly rough (+01:24:808 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - is way more spaced than the rest and if you miss a stream section cuz of aim it feels rly unsatisfying for the player for these kind of things)
doing somthing like https://i.imgur.com/LE910h4.jpeg would be better
02:05:889 (4,5) - feels wierd that you didnt space out this downbeat, imo just cntr+h this like https://i.imgur.com/BdQwCPb.jpeg
while im a big double enjoyer 02:16:835 (1,1,2) - this feel really out of place, esp its the only place in the map where you did something simuar to this, would stick to 5er stream or 1/2slider+double here definitly
03:09:268 (1) - this placement feels out of place since there isnt really any linkage to the stream so it looks kind of ugly, try https://i.imgur.com/rtyMFHg.png instead
this is a more common theme where you can improve your visuals more in this map where the objects are too close to each other even tho its not necessary that the patterns feel too cramped for no reason, 03:09:674 (5,6,2) 00:57:106 (1,3) - 01:04:808 (9,1,2) - 01:13:592 (2,4) - 01:13:592 (2,4) -06:32:376 (2,1,1) - etc
03:29:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern choice feels rly out of place since this doesnt fit at all to the stuff you did b4 (also doesnt really go well 1/3 pattern in general cuz for 98% of 1/3 patterns this music is grouped in 3s
05:31:160 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - these feel kind of randomly placed even tho its one of the most memorable sections of the song, would do some heavily structured patterm with decreasing (an idea would be like 72° angles or others your choice
05:58:863 (1,2,3,4,5) - this stream doesnt really fit here, you should either deleat 05:59:065 (4) - or move the stream to 05:59:268 -