mapped by Sieu Phan Dong
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This beatmap wasn't updated since 18 November 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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i think the map itself is fine, however u still need to create more contrasts + more consistent with the idea that you have (alr explained in vc)


elaborate: we mostly talk about how the diffspike jumps are inconsistent with the overall map idea but I want to keep the jumps simpler for easier playability

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

i think sacrificing overall map quality for playability is a bad idea


I'd rather make the map appealing to the players than to other mappers tbh


if u want ur map ranked i dont think u can do that






you could pull this off but bns nowadays wouldnt like the way you mapped, itsnt unrankable since i get how you mapped the song but it just bns in overall will disagree with it.


i dont quite understand how actively making your map worse hinders player's enjoyment of the map? you dont have to just not add mods about emphasis and spacing which are clear issues for playability. the map is just as playable.


well I know that I won't enjoy it as much so there you go


even then, there isn't a single beatmap nominator prioritizing the players enjoyment of the map over the actual map quality. if you do not want to try to make your map's quality better for player's sake then yeah i dont think u can rank this map. i have no problem with your map being something for you to enjoy, im just saying you're chances of ranking this map are probably really low if you dont want to make it better for easy playability


man why do you have to be so concerned about my map lol it's fine if I can't rank it I'll just move on to another project


sorry, it was a little personal. you said "Nah" to something i thought was so obvious and that kinda annoyed me. my fault for digging to deep for no reason


03:54:700 - the sv on this section just incredibly high and i strongly suggest to decrease it for better spread with others section. use 0.5x or 0.6x in this whole section and you can raised up by 0.05 or 0.1x for sliders you wanna increase the sv. 1.0x or default sv makes the sliders on kiai section feels slow

  • 03:54:700 - this timestamp points toward the kiai? If you meant 03:52:801 (2,3,4) - these three I even increase the SV more than before lol (Laquarius' suggestion)
  • 04:53:585 - this SV is in line with the SV at the intro to be consistent
Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

i mean from here 03:43:085 (1) - to 03:54:700 - fck what fck am i doing, im tripping when mod this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I want to keep the slider art though :(


will do something ig


decrease the overall sv of that section


you should polish this a bit to make this rankable

04:53:585 (1) - this entire section should be mapped to piano, your sliders go through red lines and that causes them to be unsnapped.

i would also try to remove every instance of nc spam here because its kinda bad imo it doesnt really emphasize anything in the song (01:48:335 (1,1,1,1) - 02:52:442 (1,1,1,1,1) - 03:03:335 (1,1,1,1) - ect)

emphasis could also use work.
00:13:084 (1) - this has no spacing for some reason, like 00:20:578 (1) - is a lot more spaced and it's the same rhythm gap
00:56:585 (1) - could raise spacing on this
01:17:397 (1) - this too
in general focus on making those downbeats consistently spaced because you're kinda all over the place with small spacing and large for no apparent reason


quote from - Rem -: "this is all subjective", no change to the emphasis rn

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

nc is not emphasis

also mods literally are entirely subjective, that's the entire point of "feedback"


i want to make a disclaimer here. as i told the mapper to learn how to be consistently inconsistent or consistently consistent with the spacing, here hes still pretty much not consistent enough with his spacing thus make the spacing in the map feel like a mess, especially 1-2 parts do not fit the idea.
