00:03:137 (5) - i really dislike the rhythm here where u ignore a major piano sound on 00:03:137 (5) - + higher sv for no reason
00:46:460 (2,3,4) - your idea was better executed 00:49:460 (2,3,4) - here. i would try to make 00:46:460 (2,3,4) - less uncomfortable and more flowy like your other pattern
00:59:585 (1) - you never use a slider like this (red anchor 1/2) for this part, it feels very random. would replace with one of the sliders you do generally use in this verse.
01:18:335 (1,2,3,4,5) - tbh this is bad to play cuz here u make 01:18:897 (5) - more emphasized than 01:19:085 (1) -
i would https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18899636/6757
your suggestion sounds weird cuz there's already no sound on 01:18:803 - and I don't want to make it clickable, and I think 01:19:085 (1) - is already being emphasized
01:55:085 (1) - i think this is a little much for a slider. the downbeats in this section were mainly just straight sliders (01:49:085 (1) - ) i would just be consistent here
I'm doing a grouping of 2 curve 01:55:085 (1,2) - + 2 straight 01:55:835 (3,4) - here, so I'd like to keep it as is it
01:56:960 (1,2) - avoid the overlap here? since the music are building up and you trying to built up the momentum here too, but overlapped circles like this ruins it. spaced them would be much better (just use small ds)
02:05:397 (6) - nerf the jump here since you make big jumps for drums 02:04:835 (3,4,5) - for these circles and then you tried to emphasize the vocal 02:05:397 (6) - it feels unnatrual and forced. at least wait for another downbeat if you wanna switched to emphasize the vocal.
02:08:585 (1,2,3,4) - the vocal emphasis or vowel stress is at (1,3) no at (2) so there's no point to put jumps on (2), maybe try this pattern? https://i.imgur.com/CRdovPj.png
it's to keep the intensity, Also I may be blind but I cant see actual object progression in your screenshot (timeline said 4 is a 1/4 slider but on the editor it's 3 lol)
02:25:272 (2) - nitpicky but nerf the spacing here? https://i.imgur.com/f1zpkO3.png since if you tried to emphasize the drum, especially snare drum at 02:25:460 (3) - i prefer make this (2) - object have small ds. the current place of this object is much harder to click than the jumps for 02:25:272 (2,3) - since 02:24:897 (1,2,1,2) - there's a triplet before (2) - object. you could nerf the triplet by using 1/4 reverse slider if you wanna stick with current pattern
02:25:272 (2) - move this just a little to the right since I find the whole thing while easy to play already
02:34:460 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - why big jumps from the start since the strong snare start at 02:35:585 (1,2,3,4) - the drum sound isnt strong as 02:28:085 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - so why put big jumps to begin with here 02:34:460 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i strongly suggest to nerf the jumps for better build up. try this one https://i.imgur.com/ppv2n8I.png so the jumps gradually raised up for each circles
02:37:085 (1) - i'd put this on the blue tick 02:36:991 and just make 02:36:897 (7) - a circle because 02:37:085 (1) - shouldnt be active cuz its during the vocal and no instruments are backing it
Im doing it for better playability since even number of notes need more finger control and there's no instance of that being use throughout the map
02:49:817 (1,2,1,2) - overlap circles again? it kills the momentum of build up towards next downbeat. the guitar sound are strong here to so there's no reason to overlapped them
02:53:585 (1) - you give this section a lot of spacing, generally more than you do even in the verses (i.e 02:59:397 (6,1) - VS 01:02:397 (5,1) - ) even if it does gradually increase intensity it is still less intense than the verses
03:11:960 (3,4) - this is fine since 03:12:147 (4) - is a loud crash and I use this kind of spacing a lot (ex. 02:08:022 (4,5) - ) compare to this 03:13:085 (1,2,3,4) - 3 loud tom sounds
0 reason to mark this as an issue. I see nothing wrong with it, please elaborate on why you think this is so bad it needs an issue stamp?
03:38:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - the music is getting more intense here with the guitars but you decreased the jumps here, it just doesnt make any sense to me. for this whole section (especially 1-2's jumps part) perhaps you could decreased the jumps 03:35:585 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - and gradually raised the jumps if you wanna keep the current jumps at 03:38:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - for better spread on this section with chorus section. i feel the jumps here are more densier than on kiais tbh. or you could just 03:38:210 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - raised the jumps here
drum mapping btw, also spacing decrease in line with the pitch of the violin, also it look denser because the overall spacing is smaller (not to mention this is also a kiai)
and also yea, perhaps i should use term "chorus" than kiai cuz kiai isnt the same as chorus xd. i always use word kiai as chorus, so my bad
04:04:460 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - i'd make this flow a lot better as that was your main idea for most of the kiais https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18899025/6538 i would refer to this screenshot
04:52:835 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - feels very underemphasize the strong snare sounds here. a mere stream doesnt give much emphasize towards the drum imo, perhaps you could gradually raise up the sv for each circles, especially for 04:53:022 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - since the drums getting stronger here like this https://i.imgur.com/oEq3RWt.png, or maybe add some 1/4 sliders or burst like this https://i.imgur.com/FiMDS1E.png
I didn't do any accel stream throughout the map so I don't want to break the consistency here, also 04:53:585 (1) - is quite slow so I don't really want any jump before it