mapped by monkerzaza
This beatmap was ranked on 5 November 2023!
nominated by Cris- and Smoke
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00:05:875 - having this section be same sv as 00:11:092 - lacks constrast so you should probably make sv of this section 00:11:092 - into 0.95x and 00:05:875 - into 1.05x so there's contrast with start of map and these sections



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

OD 4.5 tbh, quite dense diff



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

Same thing as #3988418 ; here is a bit more debatible cus the whole map has the same spacing and some sections share a similar density, so there would be a better contrast if you do this



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

Could do AR +0.5 given the 1/2 density



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

00:53:298 (5) - I think that this note is not needed here in principle , as for me it is better to put it here 00:53:950 - , example: 00:58:515 (2,3) - here you did the right thing because you have captured the vocal line .



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

01:02:591 (2,3,4,5) - in this case, I would advise you to do as you did before here - 00:52:156 (2,3,4) - because the vocal line starts with a white tick , 01:03:243 - and then you miss it



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

1/2 sliders ending on hihats like 01:00:961 (5) - keep the rhythm density in the chorus high, but give a lot of attention to the hihats as players struggle with 1/2 sliders. You should map these as circles and just have the 1/1 gaps.



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

Rhythm choice in the verse could be improved. Currently, you're mostly following drums which can get quite repetitive, since nothing much is happening in that layer. For instance, 00:11:014 almost became a slider-only section that can be really monotonous and even straining for players. On the contrary, the vocals are really dynamic, but that is not really being followed right now.

Would suggest not only following the drums, but also the vocals to make rhythm more interesting.

00:11:721 (2,3,4) - Could be something like to follow the vocals and to break the slider-only chain. Also applies to 00:16:939 (2,3,4) -

00:14:819 (3) - 00:20:037 (3) - 00:33:243 (4) - Could be split into 1/1 circles

00:20:852 (5) - Would be nice to split this reverse into a 1/2 slider + circle to make the loud snare 00:21:123 active. Also applies to 00:36:449 (5) -

00:28:352 (5,6) - Quite a prominent vocal on the sliderends of these, would just replace current rhythm with something like this to make the vocals active instead of leaving them passive, which is rather underwhelming

^ Same reason with 00:38:787 (5,6) - , but since there is no vocal on (5) and snare on 00:38:895 unlike 00:28:460, you could use something like this instead

00:31:287 (5) - This 3/2 slider is really underwhelming since it missed prominent sounds especially vocals, you could use a 3/4 reverse to catch them

^ Same thing also applies to 00:35:852 (4) - , would just split this into a 1/1 slider + circle to catch the snare 00:36:123. If you agree with this, you could delete 00:35:689 (3) - to break the chain.



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

00:48:895 - This section is the most intense part of the song, yet the current rhythm density is underwhelming and is very similar to the verse that is supposed to be way less intense. There is even no SV change between non-kiai and kiai parts to support this kind of density.

Would recommend buffing up the density of kiai to make it better reflect the song's intensity.

00:50:526 (5) - 00:53:134 (5) - 00:58:678 (3) - 01:00:961 (5) - 01:03:569 (5) - These could be 1/2 sliders

00:50:852 (6) - 00:54:113 (2) - 01:01:287 (6) - 01:04:548 (1) - 01:07:156 (1) - Could split these into 1/1 circles

00:52:156 (2,3,4,5) - I get why you're following drums here, but the vocals are also prominent and worth following here. It would be nice to change rhythm a bit and also to differentiate it from 00:49:493 (2,3,4,5) - which is completely different from this ->

^ Also applies to 01:07:808 (2,3,4,5) - if you agree

01:09:113 (6) - This 3/2 slider feels quite underwhelming to place especially when the drums are really intense here. Would just either replace this with 2 1/2 sliders or a 1/1 slider + circle instead.



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

some of the slider chains in the diff are way too long (most apparently in kiai 00:48:188 (2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 00:56:014 (6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - etc., some non kiai 00:11:014 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - etc.) and oftentime they are only separated by just one circle,
which are kinda bad in that:

  1. very draining for beginners to play (talking about this since it's a bottom diff normal) because sliders involve a lot of holding your tapping key and new players aren't usually too adapt to such;
  2. lack rhythm variety, can be a bit monotonous to play, and too free to cheese accuracy for more advanced players.

as for suggestion i would take the first long slider chain in kiai for example so you can reflect on other instances:
00:49:493 (2) - and etc. where both sliderhead and end follow sounds from a relatively prominent layer (like vocal or drums) and are of similar intensity, use two circles instead where you see fit, for more variety in rhythm, but try to do it consistently when you're on it
00:50:471 (4) - can be simplified with just one circle, what the slidertail follows is much less notable compared with sliderhead



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

00:00:580 - to 00:04:493 - is quite dense for this mini intro section, I would suggest fully focusing on the guitar layer since it's more prominent (imo) and not bothering those sounds on the white tick (00:00:906 - 00:01:558 - etc.) so you can have less complex rhythm patterns and get rid of those 1/2 chains for better density contrast with other sections, here's an example:



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

im not sure, maybe just me

but kiai looks like have too much long chain note now like 00:49:493 (2,3,4,5,6) - / 00:51:449 (1,2,3,4,5) - / 00:54:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - / 00:56:014 (7,8,1,2) - /00:59:927 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - etc, maybe u need to nerf some a bit.

in this case u must be add reverse slider/delete some unnecessary notes like this 00:56:503 (8) -/ 01:07:590 (2) - etc.

example rhythm choice in chain note at kiai : or u can managed it by yourself



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza

00:11:014 to 00:21:123 - Non-kiai part is too active imo. You can nerf overall



Marked as resolved by monkerzaza