mapped by iid3rp
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  • 00:00:779 (779|3) - You should fix snapping to 00:00:741
  • You can try to represent both the sound and vocal using doubles and singles, e.g. singles only when vocals or sound is heard, and doubles when both the sound and vocal are heard; e.g:

    also applies to 00:03:190

00:02:118 You should make this a double to match with vocal's intensity

00:04:414 Instead of making another sandwiched trill, you could also use jumptrills to differentiate the higher-pitched singers's voice from the lower-pitched singer; e.g:

00:07:322 - 00:07:628 is 1/6 snaps


More 1/6 snaps at 00:12:220 - 00:12:526, 01:20:792 - 01:21:098, but these are optional if you want to chart them


lets goooooo :33,, i did all of your suggestions!!! thank you for this

Marked as resolved by iid3rp

00:43:062 could be subjective, but the release of LNs at strange snaps such as this is not recommended at easy-normal diffs -> move the LN releases to 00:43:139
same for 00:53:470

01:01:353 (61353|3) - ghost note (highly recommended to remove)


did all of these suggestions as well. thank you!!

Marked as resolved by iid3rp

01:03:955 - change to a 1/4 LN triple for pattern consistency

01:05:792 - I'd map the sounds here like this: First LN for the water drop-ish sound, and second LN for glitchy vocal effect

01:08:853 - same as 01:03:955


did all of your suggestions. thank you for this!! <3

Marked as resolved by iid3rp

01:40:690 - My suggestion would be to reduce vocal presentation and focus on instruments, but fully depends on your preferences

How I'd change 01:40:690 - 01:44:363

And ghost note - 01:44:975 (104975|1)


01:40:690 - 01:44:363 - okay i will just keep these suggestions for now. but at the same time, i may or may not be re changing them but ill spin it off without ruining your suggestion of the mod. thank you for this

Marked as resolved by iid3rp