mapped by Secre
This beatmap was ranked on 16 November 2023!
nominated by zerokt and coolkid
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00:04:556 (1,2) - Well, dunno if it's intentional or not but spacing between (1) and (2) is the only time where it's higher than 1.30x unlike other ones after.
I'd reduce it anyway to ensure that it's not too edgy with this AR, I've missed it a lot



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00:06:108 (2,1) - (1) is different from (2) in term of music so please try another shape instead of doing the same once again, it makes expression worthless while you can do something more better (also would've make more sense for 00:07:143 (2) - since they are similar)


slightly different (with 2 being slightly stronger) but the repeatedness of the pattern w/ the antiflow actually makes it a bit harder which is inline w/ the music increase

think its fine as is

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00:08:694 (1,1) - minor but 1.8x on spacing like this feels weird to hit, i'd nerf them to 1.6x, wont really change the difficulty because it's a slow part, would juste make it feels better

there is a lot of spacing like that and im lazy to point em all

(sometimes it's already 1.6x, so pls just make them all 1.6x)



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00:14:901 (1) - Should be 1/8 like 00:15:677 (4) as it has double snare?



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00:26:281 (1,2) - Well, why suddenly make a rythm change there? It plays bad especially for (1) and (2) even if it's 1.00x it surprises me and I doubt players will walk it with this AR so would be better to do long slider as you've did before so that structure makes more sense


the guitar is a bit more pronounced here, will lower a bit tho

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00:26:281 (1,2), 00:27:315 (1,2) - Subjective but could dash these for the high pitched beep instead of just a normal walk


want to keep the notes after the dash cuz of emphasis, if i dash these it loses it

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00:30:418 (1,2,3,4) - Would turn it into 4 notes stream instead of 1/4 double jumps because it has literally no difference with 00:30:677 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - which are streams so taking acount of the melody that would make more sense


its a hdash there for a bit more emphasis on the strong lasting sound 00:30:418 (1) - , if not hdash it feels a bit underwhelming

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00:33:005 (3,4) - Would add 1/1 hdash instead of dash because (4) has a finish and also it feels weird to have dash there because we feel that it's stronger (for music) but distance is reduced so


think it fits music fine now tbh

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00:34:556 (1) - Wouldn't be better to start 1/4 there? It feels akward to have this 1/2 slider while density increase a lot and it'd make a better transition for 00:34:298 (4,1) - with a build-up like this because current 1/2 feels empty not gonna lie


drums start at 00:34:750 - and dont rlly wanna overmap it that much

leaving as is, maybe can add note on 00:34:750 - but i think 1/2 slider feels better personally

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00:34:556 (1) - Don't really see why you couldn't make this a 3/4 slider, vocal seems quite suited for it


You've done the same for 00:40:763 (1) so would be cool for consistency


the vocal ends earlier, the 2nd one doesnt have vocal

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00:44:061 (4,5) - I'm not against introducing those triangles antiflow but could you at least nerf distance between (4) and (5) because right now it's really painful...
That makes antiflow from 00:44:189 (6,7,8,1) - too hard to catch because of the distance change plus it shouldn't be increased that much (for 4 and 5) because it has nothing strong and tone is the same as others so would really equalize it



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00:51:625 (1,2) - It feels really annoying especially because you're increasing by 0.20x distance, it might be nothing but we really feel it because of the antiflow and it's really far at the border of right screen.
I'd suggest you to reduce it to 2.00x and make it more comfortable otherwise it's really harsh to hit it properly



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01:04:815 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I would personally just shorten these distances a little bit so there's at least some kind of contrast from the kicks and the toms otherwise it feels a tad overdone




it is fine re: dahcreeper (ive fixed some stuff a little)

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01:07:660 (1,2) - Could reduce spacing between (1) and (2) it's not that hard but it's somehow edgy so I'd make it like 01:11:798 (1,2) - with 1.10x distance to ensure walk and not be surprised by it



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01:20:074 (1,2,3) - To be honest flow there is really annoying because of the cross-screen jump catching 01:20:591 (2,3) - is really impossible, it's more or less doable but really confusing because of that wiggle so eventually turn in on other side or try something else but try to make it comfortable



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01:20:591 (2) - Could slider this like what you did for 01:20:074 (1) especially seeing as its a more powerful sound


it makes the transition to wiggle play weird, i like the suddenness a singlenote provides

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01:21:108 (1) 01:37:660 (1) - coming from the wiggle is quite int imo tbh, jus do straight like previous 01:20:074 (1) - will prob hav to adjus wiggle in order to keep following hdash [if u decide to keep]



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01:22:660 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's kinda uncomfy to hit wiggles right after 01:22:143 (1,2,3,4,5) would like to reverse them like this


yes agree

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01:38:694 (1,2) - Would be better as a 3/4 for consistency with how you've emphasised this starting sound, otherwise 01:38:824 (2) has no strong sound in the song to back it up


think it works fine, 1 is a double sound 2 is just a stand still to represent no sound on tail, big spike on the next 3 fits well better than 3/4 would

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01:45:742 (6,8) - i get that those are more spaced than 01:45:483 (2,4) - because the sound is slightly stronger, but i'd still move them a little to the left, feels too much rn


01:49:556 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same sound as here but spacings on this one are the same everywhere



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01:48:781 (5,6) - Why is there even an antiflow there, it's really annoying there and break all of your structure so better to do regular 1/4 jumps like other ones



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01:51:108 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Emphasis is kind of obnoxious here cause the vocals are 3/4 so using 4 note patterns doesn't really reflect it too much, would be cooler to have 3 note just for this small segment it'll also deliver more varied movement and patterning


dont hear a 3/4 vocal here tbh think its fine

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01:54:729 (2) - Dash feels obnoxiously far would just tone it down to ~1.15x


remopved dash

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02:08:436 (1,2) - Would be better to do second wiggle on other side because having both with same way make the reading hard so would change


tbh i like the variety here so keeping

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02:21:108 (5,1) - Might be an oversight but should have 1/2 hdash there like all other ones for transition, walk is not enough and feels wrong


intentional for the patterning, doesnt rlly change the gameplay much

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02:21:367 (1) - should be hdash for starting grouping see 02:19:815 (1) - 02:20:591 (1) -



its just a pain to make it actually a hdash with the current patterning scheme

sure it should be hdash, but it changes nothing in gameplay

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02:31:970 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - It feels really forced, won't do that there especially for those "stream parts" it's literally too harsh and annoying for this section either REDUCE distances or kill it



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02:33:522 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - wtf is this diffspike, it do not make any sense at all to me
plus the section right after is clearly more intense but the map somehow get easier with normal tapdashes

nerf 02:33:522 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - with less antiflow


nerfed the spacings, i think the antiflow is honestly fine? its just the spacings made it REALLY hard

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02:35:591 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I'm sorry but this is not correct, spamming same pattern for straight 10 seconds feels effortless and doesn't make any sense for your structure especially for transition such as 02:36:496 (9,1) - 02:38:565 (9,1) - 02:40:634 (9,1) - which are differents so why doing same patterns again and again...
Be more creative with some 1/4 patterns (flowy or not) and try to vary because otherwise it's just useless


this part fits the song perfectly tbh

doing something else just doesnt fit, the strongest finishes are antiflow double hdashes while the weaker ones are flow double hdashes

its a part thats all about getting into the rhythm of the pattern and holding consistency, think it fits superbly

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in this section 02:41:798 (1,2) - 02:43:285

I think you shoud only do chains with the starting measures that contain finishers for better contrast and expression, otherwise these 02:37:660 (1,2) - 02:39:729 (1,2) - 02:41:798 (1,2) - also seems a bit overdone


the finishes are antiflow and the non finishers are flow, the finisher ones still have enough distinguisation/emphasis from the nonfinisher ones and the nonfinisher ones are still slightly stronger than the normal parts

think it fits fine for emphasis

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02:42:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Well, that's too weird would at least change 02:42:832 (1,2,3,4) - by making it classic hyperchain (note in middle, then left, then middle, then right) to arrange current pattern because it plays too strange right now, feels really forced on left side while intensity should be normally increased there so


yea its left side focused but dont think its a problem, the playabiltiy is fine as is w/ the hchain being on snares and the wiggle being on kicks

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02:43:350 (1,2) - while I understand the intention to make it more simpler into the entrance for 02:43:867 (1) - it seems to me that the slidertail and the circle are being too left out despite they standing out imo, especially the finisher on the tail.

maybe doing 3 circles and adjusting instead of slider-circle would work more?


02:43:737 (2) - i made this hyper between both maybe its better idk

i really dont wanna change 02:43:350 (1) - tho

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02:43:737 (2) - 1/4 would be nice as there is a faint violin kind of sound, would give a more challenging motion to the wiggle part


dont want to make even more challenge for the wiggle than necessary

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02:47:487 (1,2) - Would avoid those 1/4 sliders, it breaks your structure and doesn't follow melody at all would've been better as a wiggle to be fair


it follows melody perfectly w/ the guitar

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02:51:108 (1,2,3,4,5) - Just curious but why didn't you make this part of the 1/4 wiggle part as well? The drums are still pursuing on the 1/4s so to me having this sparse segment


Would also accentuate the challenging aspect of this kiai with the wiggles, you could at least just add some more calmer wiggles instead that don't require much in terms of movement


a break is nice

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03:00:160 (1) - Making this either a more spaced dash wiggle or a hyper wiggle would be sick cause having the same distancing as the low toms with 02:59:901 (1) feels kind of underwhelming and seeing what you've done with contrast and emphasis previously I think it could work out nicely


dont think it works, its descending quite a bit and more spacing kinda sucks if its weaker imo

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03:13:350 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks bad, first of all this double wiggle in same way feels weird but having those hyperchain forced on the left with such a low distance between (1) and (2) doesn't make sense at all since it's just the same, better to sacrifice it and do different pattern with a bigger distance


it plays fine imo, only way i'd change would be making farther hdash to 2 and not hyperchaining 2-5 but it just feels underwhelming that way

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03:14:643 (2,1) - Why having an antiflow wiggle for vocal which is supposed to be "chill" would really suggest to make it flowy so that it's more pleasant too catch, doesn't need to be that hard


03:29:643 (2,1) - Is ok but would change eventually


03:31:194 (2,1) - Hell nah, don't do antiflow there...


tbh these wiggles are mostly just following the feeling of intensity i guess you could say? making some of the current ones from antiflow into antiflow just actually makes it feel worse so idk

leaving as is currently just because i think alternatives play worse

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03:15:418 (1) - More spacing?


its already hard enough cuz of the antiflow i think, more spacings kinda overkill

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03:26:539 (2) - seems like shud be hdash? vocal thng


dont think so theres not a new vocal here and the little extension is weak

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03:28:867 (5,6,7) - ngl dont think these chains fit since its jus for vocal compared to previous ones that seem work more cuz its paired w instruments


i reduced spacing alot here

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03:37:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Please make at least them tapdashable with some hdash to add a nice contrast with your walk section, that would make sense for difference in melody instead of having walk once again and we will feel the difference considering they are stronger than previously


same thing for patterns after in music like 03:45:936 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - etc, won't point all but you got it


this parts just a consistency test tbh and it plays fine as is, more is just overcomplicating

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i agree with natusko, rn it just feels like some strong sounds are not mapped

(also btw the whole part do not plays fine at all, spacing between doubles feels too low to be walked and not high enough to be tapdashed, so i guess you want the player to randomly dash to reposition itself, which imo is a bad pattern design)

Reopened by Noctalium

added some hypers

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04:27:315 - 04:37:595

chains here doesnt seem to properly follow anything tbh, and if they are, ure very probably trying to cover it by the guitar which it doesnt seem to be properly landing? it just seems emphasizing nothing and occasionaly falling correctly on the guitar, quite overdone

this in comparison is totally more acceptable 04:37:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - cuz of the drums


ill go over w/ this w/ some players and redo some things potentially


should be cleaner now, went over w Secre in DM


talked on disc a bit with secre ctrl c

still have issue guitars that dont properly land + theres a section inbetween without guitar or any notable drum,this:
04:31:453 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - section without guitar/or drum intesntiy increas yet still uses consectiv chains

also these
04:27:315 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) -
04:35:591 (7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) -
arent they quite literally the same song-wise why are they so apart from each other, musically this part is just copy-pasted with the second half just having an extra instrumental layer added
the cymbal-like u can hear every white tick


regarding the overdone guitars thing, for me the chains only seems to work if he would do it as doubles like he did for 04:27:315 (1,2,3) - 04:27:962 (5,6,1) - 04:28:737 (7,8,1) - 04:29:384 (1,2,3) -


fixd things

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04:36:626 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 04:28:350 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - nerf to the previous 04:35:979 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 04:27:703 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing of this pattern? nothing about the song changes at all. you can have a slight emphasis increase but not this major


theyre both now 3.0x, little bit higher than the prior ones cuz of pitch

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following slider should be more forgiving 04:39:729 (1) - can under/overshoot coming from the chain



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04:53:177 (1,2) - Could reduce a bit so that hdash after between (3) and (1) doesn't feel tight to hit



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05:29:384 (1,1) - flip smth before otherside or whatever for comfy spiner entrance


not worth flipping stuff imo

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