00:19:308 (1,2,3) - could just handle this w two sliders like you do later so it doesnt take away from 00:17:165 (1,2,3) -
00:34:709 (6,1) - Would argue that these could be unstacked because of the percussion on 00:34:709 (6) - and introduction of new measure, feels more consistent with 00:33:638 (1,2,3) - and you'd keep your stacks on vocals consistent
00:38:325 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - Using same spacings here for different sounds in the song feels like weak contrast, could get away with stacking 00:38:325 (6,7,8) - so 00:38:861 -> 00:43:415 - this section stands out a bit more
00:56:272 (7) - start nc 00:57:075 (9) - here instead so the colors look more cohesive with the pattern
01:04:308 (4,5) - 03:04:308 (4,5) - 5 notes on these feel overmapped and could argue take away contrast from previous 1/1 + 1/4 rhythms through these bridges. replacing each 4 note with a 1/2 slider would work cutely with vocals and sounds more genuine to the song
maybe on 03:04:308 (4,5) - theres a sound there but it is so barely audible i doubt its worth drawing emphasis to
tbf i still want to map the drum sound with an active, it's too weak to use sliders imo. But these 00:59:218 (1,2,3,4,5) - could be changed to incorporate with the vocal
01:21:450 (4,5,6,7,8) - Feels unnecessarily spiky since players are expected to snap between all of 01:21:450 (4,6,8) - these as opposed to a smoother motion. Would really suggest to nerf the spacings on this
i reworked this section a little bit but fundamentally 01:21:450 (4,5,6,7) - spacing here has been nerfed
01:59:352 (2,3) - 02:16:093 (6) - 02:16:495 (8) - Could add a hitsound to these and make them consistent with each other considering they have the same sound as 00:33:638 (1,2) - or 03:58:816 (5,6,7,8) -
i get what you are coming from but probably adding a drum-hitfinish for the tom sound because 00:33:638 (1,2) - are additive hs for the vocals & bass. I'm more sure about 02:16:093 (6) do you mean 02:16:495 (8) - ?
02:29:754 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing variation is nice but could add new combos so they land more consistently with 00:29:754 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) -
05:04:843 (1) - Inconsistent NC? Compared to 01:39:129 (8) - 03:21:986 (8) - 05:21:986 (9) - etc