00:10:735 (3,1) - This sounds right here is really strong, and it will be way more impactful if you remove the previous dash on 00:10:341 (2,3) - to give it more contrast
00:26:920 (1,2) - 1.75x plus a direction change make it quite uncomfortable to catch. Maybe nerf it to 1.5x like on 00:10:735 (3,1) - or 00:24:946 (3,1) -
01:29:683 (5,6) - I'd removed this dash (if it's intended to be a walk, the spacing is really ambiguous) to give more impact to a stronger piano on 01:29:880 (6,1) -
01:43:696 (2,1) - Reads quite ambiguously. I recommend making it 2.0x to be a clear dash, strong vocals here deserves it. Also a dash here will be consistent with 01:50:012 (2,1) -
01:56:328 (3,1) - Same here. Buff the spacing to make it more clear. Also, i'd removed the dash on 01:56:920 (1,2) - the vocals is weaker and lower pitch than on (3,1)
02:24:156 (2,3,4,5) - I find this emphasis quite weird. (3) is a weak sound on contrast with (2) and (4), and (5) doesn't really have a distinct sound on it. Turning 02:24:156 (2,3) - and 02:24:551 (4,5) - into 1/2 sliders with a dash between them will emphasize vocals better
03:57:320 - Vocals here are strong and distinct, could emphasize it better by making it a note and adding more movement. This kind of pattern should work https://marfuri.s-ul.eu/N051iBmc
04:16:267 (2) - I don't see a reason for this to be a reverse. The vocal pitch change on 04:16:465 - isn't that strong, so it feels off while playing. A 1/1 slider should work better here imo. Or alternatively, you could turn this into a 1/2 slider + a note to emphasize the piano on 04:16:662 -
04:55:346 (1) - Weird emphasis. Vocals on 04:55:741 - are strong and high pitch, and i think the better way to emphasize it is to make 04:55:346 (1) - 1/2 and add a dash on 04:55:741 -
05:38:570 (3,4) - A walk here should work better i think. Weak vocals and no piano. Also it'll give more impact to 05:39:162 (4,1) -
05:40:149 (2) - Direction change on the sliderpath feels off. It's way too much movement for a relatively weak vocals without a drastic pitch change. Could ctrl + h it.
Sorta the same thing here 05:47:451 (1) - I don't really see a reason for this antiflow