00:02:449 (9) - this slider is so easy to miss especially if you're sightreading, would decrease the distance a little bit at least
00:04:898 (3,4,5) - This spacing seems unneeded? I know that the piano riff is strong, but having spacing like this so early in the song is rather unfitting when this kind of hyperdash strength isn't continuously used.
00:05:510 - your dash usage in this section doesn't make that much sense to me, the guitar sound is much more prominent than the weaker vocals and u even end up making those dashes right after this part, and i think it would be better to be consistent with that rather than focusing on the vocals
00:48:674 (2,3) - No way this is hyperdash chain worthy? Because you already place them on 00:49:133 (4) - and 00:49:286 (5) - putting one between here as well feels forced and makes the importance of the following hyperdashes feel much less impactful.
I suggest changing 00:48:674 (2,3) - to a dash.
00:54:184 (5,6) - This hyperdash is placed on almost nothing? It would've been fine if there was a strong drum of some sort, but here it is just a weak high-hat sound.
Seems untouched to me? 01:04:133 (1,2) - is still 1.7x and 01:04:592 (2,3) - 1.85x
I suggest making 01:04:133 (1,2) - a simple dash of around 1.4/1.5x and 01:04:592 (2,3) - could then be a hyperdash for the vocal strenght increase. This also seems quite easy to achive with the current patterning with mostly moving around 01:04:592 (2) - to the right
there's was a error while merging the .osu files and this part was missing. they are now 1.5x both 01:04:592 (2,3) - going into 2.2x
01:14:082 (1,2) - This seems odd to me. While I can see it done for the strong holding vocal, having this just as a 1/1 anti-flow slider would do much better. Like you have at 02:37:347 (1) -
01:20:204 (1) - this slider could be less spaced imo, feels close to an edge dash the way it is right now
01:20:204 (1) - Wrongly snapped? Extending for a 3/4 slider feels wrong when such a strong kick is present at 01:20:357 -
Also, this is currently inconsistent with others such as 01:00:613 (1) - or 02:43:470 (1) -
01:27:398 (6,1) - this is too far, the flow of the 1/2 doubles really makes me assume there should be no harsh movement to 01:27:704 (1) - at all
not far at all tbh, if a overdose player cant play this then damnnnnnnnnnnnn brooooo
i'll change if more people agree but with that logic i would need to change 00:03:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - too which is literally the same thing
uh, whichever you prefer? lol.
if you add a hyper it will feel more consistent with 00:04:133 (6,1) - compared to just nerfing it, but tbh i think the sound doesn't deserve a hyperdash as there are no drums, so you could remove both and nerf the distances to 1.35x~ to match the way 00:02:143 (8,9) - feels.
either way a 1.45x after some tricky to read cross screen hypers feels really uncomfortable to read even at this relatively low ar. keep in mind you've probably already memorized (at least subconsciously) how these patterns play... if the player doesn't hold right immediately after 01:27:398 (6) - , it's very hard to recover and still hit (1). and it doesn't feel natural at all to hold a harsh right as the last drum hit is on (6)
01:28:470 (5) - The slider end seems to be too late, should be ending at 01:28:584 - (1/8) or 01:28:597 - (1/12) instead to be more accurate
It still does slider end of 01:28:470 (3) - ends on 01:28:623 - which is too late.
Actually, let's wait to see what Usaha thinks about this because we could just leave it as is for playability
01:42:857 (4,5) - While I get the way of emphasizing, however, I find it rather underwhelming. I would rather suggest having a strong hyperdash for 5 instead to justify this strong drum + vocal
01:50:204 (3,4,5) - Would flip the stack here so you have a hyper for the strong vocal at 01:50:357 - ?
01:52:041 (1,2,3) - Hyperdash is placed wrong? Would expect it to be at 01:52:347 - as it is now inconsistent with the slider end of 01:52:041 (1) -
reduced 01:52:041 (1) - distance from 01:51:965 (6) - to 1.0x, did hdash to 01:52:347 (2) - and also made 01:52:653 (4) - vertical-ish so the pattern is similar as the slider before.
02:19:745 (5,6,7,8) -
03:28:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
04:50:664 (6) -
all of these sound like 1/4
They are indeed 1/4, pointed them out before but ended up just keeping the overmap as it doesn't play that wrong, at least not for me.
The same does also apply for 01:20:817 (3,4,5,6) - as zerokt mentions
it sounds wrong and 1/8 bursts instead sounds more accurate to whatever small sound you're trying to emphasize
because when i listen to the rhythm with 1/8 bursts it sounds better and more accurate than 1/6 because it supports the 1/4 notes as well. idk what else to say
i get that but when u do rhythm like this the point is that through your hitsounding you create a layer of sound which your mapping to, as for music wise this wouldn't be a unexpected place to see a burst like this which is why i think it works nicely and doesnt feel unexpected to hear or play
as greaper said, those are 1/4's but also they are intended to be in 1/6
imo it doesn't sound wrong, the hitsounds in a certain way give enough feedback to justify the overmapping in those sections because it blends with the song and it's barely noticeable just like Usaha said in the previous response.
1/8 burst can work in terms of... composition?? since it's more accurate as you said before, but it really feels forced.
imo i want to keep the 1/6 since it's better in terms of playability and it is justified by the hitsounds.
so we will keep the discussion open for more opinions.
02:37:806 (2,3,4) - Would flip the hyperdash here to be between 3 -> 4 instead as the sound at 02:38:113 - is a simple weak kick so even having a dash here feels overdone.
However, staying consistent to 01:14:388 (2,3,4,5) - would be better here as they are similar in strength so having the same kind of dashes would be better
02:51:429 (5,6,7,8,9) - ctrl+h in the same position? it's not really that much weaker than 02:56:327 (3,4,5,6,7) - so i think it deserves some more emphasis (it currently feels a bit strange to move between 02:51:123 (4,5) - )
moved stuff around a bit here. Basically reduced the distance on 02:51:123 (4,5) - and added a hdash to 02:51:735 (9) - because finisher sound after the little whistles and now this should also play good 02:51:735 (9,1) -
03:02:602 (6) - this is too far from both (5,7). after a harsh regular dash (1,2), there's a harsh extended dash from (3,4,5) which altogether is a bit much for a 5.7*. you could do a lot of things to make this feel better like reducing the dash distance between (1,2) but nerfing (6) to 1.56x or so would be fine imo.
03:06:582 (1,2) - this 1/4 hyperdash distance comes out of nowhere, 5.79x and could definitely be reduced to 4.5-5x
03:15:919 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This currently breaks a guideline having 18 objects on the plate.
RC says:
Combos should not exceed 16 objects including slider tails and repeats. Spinners are an exception.
Please remove the NC from 03:15:919 - and move it to 03:16:378 - instead (This would make more sense as well as this is the downbeat anyway)
03:16:378 (4) - Wrongly snapped sliderend? You have a strong guitar pitch at 03:16:531 -?
If this 3/4 is indeded then it feels way too forced because of the guitar pitch, suggest changing it
03:17:143 (4,5,6) - compared to some other streams in the map such as 00:56:327 (3,4,5) - , this guitar section is kind of weak in terms of 1/4 hyper distances. you could increase these dashes to 1/4 hyperdashes so it's more exciting transitioning to the next section
03:20:510 (3) - this note is really close to an edge dash, when playing it with editor input lag i missed itmore then i hit it
03:20:510 (3,4) - Why a hyperdash for such a faint sound? Would make more sense just as a normal dash.
With your logic 03:20:664 (4,5) - should be a hyper as well as the sound at 5 is similar here. (although this would make a rather forced pattern)
I remapped that section to fit your mod, should be fine now.
Added hdash from 5 to 1 in 03:20:051 (5,1)
nerfed the hdash in 3 to 4 03:20:510 (3,4)
and added the hdash in 5 03:20:817 (5,6)
03:23:266 (4,5) - Would've expected the dash distance to be smaller then the ones used before this as the vocal sort of lowers in intensity. This would also make the focus on 03:23:725 (1) - much more impactful as it now gets overshadowed a bit by the dash strength.
03:26:480 (2,3,4,5) - not really sure this calls for a held dash all throughout, but if you end up nerfing the hyperdash from (1) it might be fine
03:49:898 (3,4,5) - Would've expected dashes here for the buildup. Having simple walks feels rather underwhelming
Same could be said for 03:48:980 (2,3) - but is less of a problem to me
did a bit more distance on 03:48:980 (2,3,4) - as I also converted into notes instead of slider.
for 03:49:898 (3,4,5) - increased 4 to 1.60x while still leaving 5 as a slider reverse. would like more feedback on this last one before closing it
03:53:113 (1) - minor but i think that a shape like 02:34:745 (1) - would feel more fun after the rhythm gap and hyperdash from (4) as the current slider angle is a bit awkward to walk
04:00:306 (4) - minor but u could move to x:340~ for a more exciting hyperdash as the pitch is still scaling up (and it's also end of the map)
04:31:684 (2) - podi poner recto esto y en 1.20x porfa, algo asi http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18527892/96f9
04:32:296 (1,2) - Could probably tune down a bit here. The sound at 04:32:755 - isn't super strong, so a strong dash feels a bit out of place.
Like 1.7x or maybe even 1.6x would work fine here. (Especially as most dashes are around 1.6x in this section)