00:02:000 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - avoid slider only section like this, because in lower diffs sliders are harder to play than circles for new players. it needs at least some rest moments between them
i suggest changing 00:04:526 (1) - into a circle
00:04:526 (1) - feels empty here, maybe add same as 00:02:000 (1) - slider head's hitsound (?)
00:05:157 (2) - missing whistle here, following 00:02:000 (1) - sliderend's whistle
00:03:263 (2,3) - maybe add whistle as well on both of this sliders head (?)
00:05:789 (3) - ds check, this section using 1.0x only on this one you used 0.9x, I suggest 00:05:157 (2) - move this a bit up so you not have to change the slider placement
00:07:052 (1,2) - uneven movement flow from previous slider. check -> #3712349
00:08:000 (2) - Remove this circle, then make 00:07:052 (1) - this into a reverse slider though. Putting a circle on 00:07:052 - after a 3/2 slider is kinda awkward hit for lower diff I think -> https://arutama.s-ul.eu/DsAHqzHV
00:10:842 (2,3) - Remove these objects, then put a circle on 00:10:526 - here and a 1/1 slider on 00:10:842 - for better rhythm feedback I guess
00:12:105 - add slider here, maybe you can move 00:12:578 (1) - back, and then turn it into a reverse slider to map missing sounds
00:12:105 - maybe make this into a clickable object instead?
it will feel more impactful that way
00:12:421 - this is the first time you use 3/2 gap here without significant change in the song while the previous gaps are always 1/1 or 2/1
should move 00:12:421 (1) - back by 1 tick
00:27:578 (1) - delete this note as the break between the end of spinner and next note is too short; might be too fast for beginner players to react
00:42:421 (1) - it's better to shorten the spinner to here imo 00:44:947 -, there's a change in pitch of the vocals and it's a strong sound