00:36:167 (2,3) - this needs to be less spaced, it's almost as wide as the intense section here: 00:42:956 (6,7)
00:54:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - rhythm choice here should be sparser bc it currently is even more dense than the 2 higer difs. I think you can maybe do sth like this instead
and then increase the gap between the 2 groups
01:00:641 (3,4,5) , 01:01:588 (2,3,4) , 01:02:851 (1,2,3)
Vocals dont support a triple but instrumental does, i think mapping to the vocals (remove triple) fits better....
i made a smol change there that hasnt been uploaded so please take a look again after it C:
02:17:535 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) should really be the same pattern as 00:54:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) (a little less spaced, of course), its just better in all ways, since its right out of a breaktime and more comfortable
i didnt get what u said in ur second comment, but i do think it would be nice to snap the last sliderend to 1/4 (i think thats what u suggested), again, please take a look at it after the changes are uploaded :3
02:35:377 (1) decrease the spacing between this slider and 02:34:746 (1,2,3)
u might have to adjust quite a bit
02:40:983 (1,2) maybe make this a triple starting 02:40:904.... either way id do something different with it cuz that placement p wack
Thats one of the things i recently changed, please look at it again after Lnori updates the map :3
03:05:219 (6) u dont rlly have to stack this note, try something like this ..? https://imgur.com/a/SqrwlF8
i agree with the first one u mentioned, i did that here 01:41:535 (5,6,7) - so i think i should be consistent. Regarding the second one, i think ill keep that pattern since i liked how it plays and im consistent with it.
i honestly think the kiai should start with that loud ahh sound in the 3rd note, and thats the only reason i used the green line there so i think ill keep it C:
03:21:167 (3) consider making this into these sliders like u did on 01:57:483
https://imgur.com/a/rkgxMWs i did smthn like this, kinda scuffed but i hope you can understand what i proposing
I did it like this cuz i thought it would be really hard to play when i mapped it, but i now agree its kinda the same sound and i should aim for something more similar, so ill try to do it.
03:33:009 (1) can probably space this out more similar to #3634292
i think it fits nice with the patterns and difficulty in that certain moment of the map, so i think ill keep it.
03:39:167 (6) perhaps space this slider out to where it ending on 03:39:483 to follow that instrument u mapped this whole 03:39:640 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) combo on, cuz 03:39:483 (7) note is placed on a completely different instruments it feels...
hope i explained this one well
I dont think i got it, but i guess ur talking about changing the rhythm choice more than i should maybe?, i think all of the sounds in that section are clear enough for it to not be confusing to play, so i would say its fine if i follow both i think? (i may be saying nonsense, let me know if i do lol)
huh, theres like a 1/4 drum sound that isnt as loud as the sound after it, so i decided to use a slider instead, i think its fine since i use that pattern consistently through the map. (i hope thats what u asked about, lol)