mapped by -Vale
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01:49:469 - to 02:10:802 - the spacing here is really intense and yet the section right after 02:10:802 -, (which i would expect to be harder with the drum additions) is actually easier

i think its better if the 1st section was tone down to give the 2nd section more of a spotlight


i don't think it is that "intense", the streams are pretty simple imo and honestly i don't see a reason to reduce the distances or nerf the entire section unless more people give their point of view on the topic (and be more specific if possible).

in fact, the second part of the kiai is actually harder, in my case i can hit the first kiai quite consistently, sooo yeah, i think both parts are balanced, yes, they can be polished a bit more but in a general view i think they are okay.

so i will leave the topic open for more opinions and suggestions

and also, sorry for the late response (did i apologize before? idk :'v)


02:02:635 (6,1,2,3,4) - this transition feels too forced to me after the flow you're making during the whole kiai. Making it so 6 to 1 is a hyper where 2 is a reciever (to the left of 1) into 3-4 and hyper to 5 would fit more in my opinion.

In short words move 02:02:635 (6) - more to the left so there's hdash to a potential 02:02:802 (1) - placed on where 02:02:885 (2) - is right now and this one placed where 02:02:802 (1) - was, 02:02:969 (3,4) - where 3 is where 1 was and 5 to the left so there's a hyper would be my suggestion.

Si el ingles quedo muy XD me hablas al discord


most of the section was changed maybe now it's a little nerfed



Marked as resolved by -Vale

ohgod i wrote this almost 3 years ago


Combo mod:
01:24:135 (8) - nc
01:38:135 (1) - remove
02:04:802 (5) - nc
02:20:802 (5) - nc
02:31:635 (1) - remove
03:08:801 (1) - remove
04:57:134 (6,1) - swap
04:57:634 (5) - nc
04:58:800 (1) - can remove for consistency with rain



Marked as resolved by -Vale

02:01:469 (1) - and 02:03:469 (1) - feel weird as wiggled streams going into the next notes. I suggest to give it more flow.


lol ahi lo arreglo


vale podi poner resuelto porfa



Marked as resolved by -Vale

03:38:801 - while this section does its job of being a setup to a harder difficulty 04:00:134 - i really think this could be thought out with more distinct patterns or maybe another idea or two thrown in to help it.

the double hdashes arent bad, but the patterns surrounding it like 03:52:134 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - is constant 1/2 slider jumps with (most) of the triples playing like 1/2 sliders too

while the section isnt as 1/4 demanding like 01:49:469 - and 02:10:802 -, i feel like you can make use of following the guitar or something to variate the rhythm a little


ah but i want to really focus on the drums here since they will play a bigger part on the next section but i can see where ur coming from


i agree with mapping to the drums, tho i was hoping the triples could be expressed more or be distinct enough in its own way
i just dont agree with how the triples play similarly to the 1/2 sliders youve established

just my 2cent s



Marked as resolved by -Vale

04:42:800 - 04:58:800 - recordatorio para yo remapear esta parte, está horrible.

self reminder for me to remap this section, it's horrible.


?????? literalmente quedó muy weno


actually im a god im the best mapper ever

Marked as resolved by Bastian