00:04:133 (1,2) - looks kinda off, try doing it like this: https://cdn.upload.systems/uploads/y4RryhSu.png
00:17:770 (1) - move this maybe a bit more away from 00:17:429 (1) - ? sound is much higher pitch than in 00:17:088 (1,1) -.
move 00:18:111 (1) - closer to it afterwards
00:25:952 (1) - maybe like this? (https://cdn.upload.systems/uploads/qlQF1cEM.png )
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
</Error> It wont let me check the image D:
00:32:770 (1) - move above and between 00:31:406 (1,2) - (https://cdn.upload.systems/uploads/VHnHrAVQ.png )
also make it linear imo
00:33:452 (2) - ^