mapped by Huntey
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Filling the spaces without sv would be a good idea to have a linear transitioning by the most part : 00:31:519 | 00:59:289 | 01:00:058 | 01:31:981 | 01:37:135 | 01:41:442 | 01:50:442 | 01:59:212

Extra: the point in offset 44442 migth be innecesary but I leave it up to you


I can did change most of those to linear ones but kept some as is, as for the extra point at 44442, it was meant to be there but seems the effect I wanted wasnt doable with just 1 so I added a few extra points as well
Thank you <3

Marked as resolved by Huntey

00:01:210 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Pitch: note #8 sounds better as a K finisher imo, and note #7 should be a d because of the kick
Structure: try o ooo ooooo O instead of ooooo o ooo O

Reason: its a progression thing/player intuition, also technically you could justify it note #2 doesnt have a sound but the gap between d kdk does


It does have a sound but alright, I'll use your structure

Marked as resolved by Huntey

remind me to remember to post this shit in timeline oh my god i just realized


you didnt fully apply the mod, its still ooo o ooooo O

i get that you say theres a sound there but i think the kick at 00:01:440 is prominent enough that it deserves more attention than whatever that sound is

Reopened by 9_9

I misread it ig, thought you said ooo o ooooo O



Marked as resolved by Huntey

I think the density progression is kinda weird for certain sections based on the feel of the song itself

Examples: from 00:03:363 to 00:10:440 i expected more density where there is less

From 00:10:133 to 00:11:056 im not sure why you didnt follow through the melody and last kick with 1/2

From 00:12:594 to 00:17:210 is more intense than 00:3:363 to 00:10:440 so i expected slightly more density than that section

From 00:17:210 to 00:19:671 feels more dense than it should be because it calms down from the previous section

00:19:671 to 00:22:133 is ok i suppose

Id fix these with the use/removal of triples/ other #plets like you did at 00:05:056 (23,24,25) and 00:06:133 (30,31,32)


I made everything harder 👍

Marked as resolved by Huntey

Meant the not nerfing for this




i hate reopening things cause i feel like a dick but i really do recommend nerfing the section at 00:17:210, its a transition into the next part and its clearly a slowdown (not literally but i cant think of the right word rn)

my recommendation below! (feel free to change it up slightly if you think you have a better idea, ill let you know if it plays weird)
00:17:210 (119) - change to d, theres a kick

00:17:363 (120) - move to 00:17:671

00:17:517 (121) - change to d

00:17:825 (122) - change to k, theres a snare

00:17:902 (123) - remove

00:18:286 (127) - to k

00:18:517 (129,130,131) - remove

00:18:979 - if you remove the above notes you could place one here instead to make up for the loss

if you refuse this i wont reopen it again but at least try it out a few times before saying no

Reopened by 9_9

Feels empty but I'll do it as this probably

Marked as resolved by Huntey

I shortened that 9 note pattern to a 7 as well


00:02:748 (10,11,12) - note #10 not a finisher?? :( I dont wanna post a mod for every single place where a finisher should be so im just gonna suggest that you watch out for cymbal crashes and powerful notes throughout the entire map
i would suggest those three notes to be K d d specifically

also move 00:03:210 (13) to 00:03:517


I instead just added a note there and I'll be checking over for Finishers tomorrow prob

Marked as resolved by Huntey

(I know this isn't what you meant but didn't really feel like nerfing this part)


its not a nerf tho, if anything the finisher buffs it, and i only asked you to move one note, nothing is being removed


Oh ehm
