mapped by DasGammelon
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 5 February 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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Few concerns on section 00:06:060 - 00:31:560 -

  1. You map the first beat of the song, 00:06:060 (1) - and 00:07:560 (1) - but there are some parts you didn't map it like 00:12:060 - 00:13:560 - 00:18:060 - 00:19:560. I would suggest to map the first beat for consistency. This applies to the whole map

It would be nice if you can make contrast on note density for kiais and non-kiais as there are almost simliar, especially for 00:55:560 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm. I would suggest to:

  1. Add 1/1 notes or 1/2 repeaters on non-kiais to nerf note density especially on 00:31:560 - 00:43:560.
  2. Converting 1/2 repeaters on kiai to slider + circle or vice versa to increase note density.

good suggestions! ty!

Marked as resolved by DasGammelon