00:03:546 (3) - should be on 00:03:584 (3) - (1/3 snap) and 00:03:603 (4) - should be on 00:03:661 (4) -
00:05:103 (5) - move to 00:05:161 (5) -
00:05:218 (6) - move to 00:05:276 (6) - and snap end to red tick 00:05:392 -
00:06:199 (2) - shorten to be 1/2 reverse slider and add note or extend reverse to 00:06:546 (3) -
00:10:526 (5) - move to 00:10:584 (5) - and add note at 00:10:469 (5) - probably
00:10:526 (6) - fix slider too
00:14:680 (4,5) - move to either 00:14:623 (4,5) - or 00:14:738 (4,5) - and add a note at whatever red tick there is empty afterwards
00:19:094 (1) - snap to 00:19:123 (1) - pls (i think the only reason u put here is prob cuz offset is wrong but u can fix that after these since the times wont line up xd; i put the offset it should be somewhere in #osu lol)
00:21:603 (3) - to 00:21:661 and you can add notes at 00:21:719 and 00:21:776
get rid of 00:21:834 (4) - and move 00:22:065 (5) - to 00:22:123
00:34:296 (4,5,6,7,1) - move all these up 1/4 tick pls (00:34:353 (4,5,6,7,1) ) and end 00:34:814 (1) - at 00:35:046