I think bursts that are on 1/12 are a bit overkill given the bpm, however adjust accordingly to bpm on the bursts D:
187 bpm on 1/12 is really fast for example
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17571986/56c6 -> this would be a pretty good compromise, will give 1 more example to
approach sections like these, this prioritizes comfort
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17572006/fbad -> this one is more manip-heavy 1/8 example but on 1/9 or 1/12 approach may be too fast.
Also if suggestion taken please apply to all of the bursts, as they share the same issue i have with them
00:48:924-00:58:081 - Consider nerfing this section as i find this section really hard compared to the rest of the map :(.
I get the idea but its not properly executed imo.
It is 190 bpm so I expect a pretty clean handstream instead but -> https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17572043/28a1 is really hard to hit
Good way to nerf this- Is to remove all Jacks as i believe, its the main reason for the sudden spike in difficulty. Trilly
Handstream into Jack is really tricky.
Another way is to keep the jack but instead make it into a jumpstream; something like this >https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17572080/7786
also keep in mind layering crunchy kicks that 00:49:555 , triples/hand
bass kicks at 00:49:871 - doubles/jumps
第一处,00:49:239 处的 小叠pattern。
虽然这么对比不好,这里音乐强度实际上和 01:50:672 差不多吧。。。差不多吧(难度可差太多了,但这不是重点,毕竟这里音乐支持叠)
首先是有点song for pattern,怎么说呢
我崩了的part有 (注意一下我的崩不是个人差的关系。有些地方难可以,但有些地方不怎么合理)
00:49:239 (此处)
01:09:766 (这里你的pattern我暂时个人觉得也是不可的,如果你不没想法的话,回头我会和你讨论这段)
https://imgur.com/a/gTFnvl3 -> {"data":{"error":"Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."},"success":false,"status":403}
#3013893 虽然你说了,但还是再提一下。
01:09:450 体感过难,个人甚至觉得比最后一段副歌都难,主要是因每个重音时LN的切换 01:09:450 (69450|1,69608|2,69608|3,69766|2,69766|3) -
要略砍的话有个很方便的建议,就是把部分1/1LN砍成3/4 (当然可能需要重新排列),这样重音时就好控制很多。
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17747978/2f2c 当下不强制,但其它modder再提出来砍这里的话,肯定要求你砍。
01:12:292 (72292|3) - 这里没有那个跟其他类似地方 01:10:081 (70081|1) - 一样的高音旋律音,这里的声音是跟 01:09:766 (69766|0) - 这种地方一样的,所以你也应该让这里变成1LN。
01:14:502 (74502|3) - 01:15:766 (75766|0) - 01:17:029 (77029|3) - 01:20:818 (80818|2) - 01:22:081 (82081|3) - 以及其他类似地方同理
01:12:292 01:09:766 etc 确实删了但不是因为这个原因,有旋律音的就有那些长音,发现那些是ghost倒是删了 01:14:502 (74502|3) - 01:15:766 (75766|0) - 01:17:029 (77029|3) - 01:20:818 (80818|2) - 01:22:081 (82081|3) - 等等,这些ln都跟着旋律的
01:18:984 (78984|1,78984|0,79142|2,79142|3,79299|1,79299|0,79457|3,79457|2,79615|0,79615|1) - 这里ln的音一直在变用一个键型我感觉不合适,建议用21键型让note更富有变化一些
01:33:529 (93529|1) - move to 01:33:568 -
01:32:660 (92660|3) - 这根的最后怎么没跟后面的那根开始对齐?
01:33:766 (93766|2) - move to 01:33:726 -
01:34:172 (94172|2) - move to 01:34:108 -
01:34:359 (94359|1) - move to 01:34:328 -
01:34:640 (94640|2) - move to 01:34:593 -
01:35:390 (95390|1,95390|2) - 这两根可以不可以不和 01:34:359 (94359|1,94640|2) - 摆同轨。
(๑‾᷅^‾᷅๑) 嫌弃你
01:35:578 (95578|1,95578|2) - could release these at 01:37:978 - imo it fits the peak of the sound more
02:40:786 (160786|1,161058|0,161263|0) - 一开始也是同样的疑问但是仔细听了下确实不是人声,但是感觉这几个note还是太突兀了我觉得要不干脆删掉比较好?
02:40:787 (160787|1,161059|0,161264|0) - I have no clue what this is supposed to represent
02:41:059 (161059|0) - would need to be on 02:40:923 - to match the vocals, but the pattern stops so idk
02:45:209 - 02:48:346 这个地方的叠,感觉纯粹对音不设计任何pattern的话有点表现力太弱了。
当然,只是给个suggestion,你accept不accept随意, accept但自己设计其它的pattern也可以。
比如。 02:45:209 和 02:45:482 或者 02:45:346 和 02:45:619 种挑一个音可以摆同轨。
然后虽然很凶残,但 02:45:891 和 02:45:959 这样的音也是很适合摆叠的
-I get the concept but lacks layering imo Since the for this section BPM is 137.9 , i think jack section is pretty cool here
^ My layering suggestion
3 Note for that Strong Kick : already ok :>
2 Note for strum sounding synth
1 Note for every other synths that are audible :>
^ google translate, cant speak chinese but in case you cant understand what im saying ^^
About what you said about removal and adding. 02:57:844 I didn't add a note here but in the next part -> 03:03:717. 02:59:149 I didn't remove it as well but added a note here to highlight the melody. Overall, I buffed here that I placed notes for almost every audible sound (except those 1/9, I simplified as 1/4)
ok that resolves pretty much everything ^^, also did second check, the ignored sounds are the same, good take on that one
03:04:693 (184693|1) - i don't think there's a synth sound here
i hear something in the background, but it's the same sound as 03:05:562 - which isn't mapped
04:28:998 (268998|3,269341|1) - 这两处地方严格来讲没有音啊,听到的音都是 04:28:912 (268912|1,268912|0,269255|2,269255|3) - 这些音的延伸,去掉感觉更好。还是说你是在用dump填上去
04:34:398 - same
04:29:198 (269198|3,269284|1,269284|2,269369|0) - you could rearrange this to accent the hi-hat
ie. move double to 04:29:198 -
I did't catch them by recognizing the sounds how hard they are. I just used single notes for every kind of sounds
I'll add them if someone reply this issue. IMO, it's better to place notes for prominent sounds
05:16:787 (316787|1,316787|3,316937|1,316937|2,317087|0,317237|3,317387|3) - a pattern suggestion, since the sound is heard first in the left ear 05:17:087 (317087|0) - and then two in the right 05:17:237 (317237|3,317387|3) - can make this pattern to better express the melody https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17732900/a66e
05:39:360 (339360|1,339360|0,339510|3,339510|2,339660|0,339660|1,339810|3,339810|2) - 这里单音就可以了,二押和前面的鼓点比起来就不协调了,而且休息段连续双押看起来也很生硬
其实感觉 05:44:987 (344987|1,345137|1) - 这种叠起来的地方,音色听着跟 04:38:855 (278855|2) - 没断开的一样,听着感觉都是连着的,要不类似的地方都合并成一整条?
Final Kiai 05:55:937-06:15:137 i think the music on this section makes for a really cool ln section, consider making it ln rather than rice since previous sections that came before it is also ln 'w' , same with after will give example on how to make this into ln
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17601479/8cd4 <- pretty simple ln can arrange it on how you want to
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17601536/2529 <- My personal preference/ a bit inverse but overall more versatile can do stuff like (can retain some rice notes )this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17601541/99cb if it calls for it
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17619635/de3a Be careful with stuff like these D: 1/6 is a better fit that 1/8, gives more time to not make it feel instantaneous, Overall good take, i just want more 1/2 jacks xD https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17619648/38fb
ok almost all done but I can't find any denser arrangement for it from 6:05, you see the music there keeps the same strength, nothing special there
Nope. You can check the hitsound. Some single notes for the special sounds and rest of the notes are base