00:25:538 (4,5,6) - k k d if you were following instrumental pitch, k d k is fine but personally I would have preferred k k d following background instruments
01:19:222 (97) - D? I think this is clearly stronger than the previous d however it is not as high as the following vocals(01:21:117 (98,99,100) - )
01:26:170 (109) - probably move this to 01:25:854 -, current placement feels stiff considering that it doesnt rlly fit with anything primary than the kick so moving could perhaps fit with the vocal syllable/snare nicely.
01:37:538 (133) - I think this is better to change to a d k on 01:37:380, 1/1 gap each. consult ss(https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17315031/725c) for what I mean
02:27:749 (38) - Rhythm mod starts here
I consider it might be better to follow a 3/3/2 divided beat in this kiai. it will help represent the vocals better than the current placing.