mapped by turtatical
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Sounds like it misses a a bass drum hit at 04:25:623, like a triplet followed by two big snare hits at 04:25:704 and 04:25:867 respectively.


if you're talking about hs, i haven't copied them over for this section yet


tbh it sounds like it could be a hitsound thing



Marked as resolved by nishihara

The slider beginning at 08:38:485 should either be closer to centre of screen or the spinner starting at 08:10:529 should end a little bit sooner to allow for a smoother transfer from the slider. Also, long spinner is an odd choice for the big band finish and my hand started cramping near the end.


fixed slider, as for the long spinner, i think its fine

Marked as resolved by nishihara

The sliders at 03:31:003, 03:31:248 and 03:31:411 could be angled inwards a bit more to better flow into the stream that comes directly after. The stream that starts at 03:32:878 could also be angled a bit more towards the previous sliders.


i think its fine how it is

Marked as resolved by nishihara

The map is altogether an excellent time to be had and I reckon once that big gap in the middle is done it will be one hell of a map.


00:48:123 (4) - should be just a one beat slider from 00:48:123 - to 00:48:123 - because if you listen at 0.25x, it's simply one long guitar note, it doesn't really make sense to have it as a repeat slider. Also if you make it into a beat slider, it fits well with the music slowing down and then pick up again from 00:48:367 (5) -.


im following the drums

Marked as resolved by nishihara

the reason its a slider and not a short stream is that IT IS a held sound.


00:53:748 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - should a burst stream section if you are going to make 00:57:009 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:57:335 (1,2,3,4) - also small stream bursts when the guitar is lower.


this is done to contrast the switch between distinct sounds on each white tick to a low pitch guitar which does not clearly have a distinct sound.

Marked as resolved by nishihara

01:13:476 (2) - I get why you have the slider curve like this just like these 01:15:514 (5,2,2) - but I think you should make that slider a little less sharper on the turn, it's good idea though anyway :thumbsup:


i think its fine

Marked as resolved by nishihara

02:32:471 (1,2,3,4) - why does this suddenly have low ds? Also, I'm not sure what those 4 notes are also playing: 1) at 02:32:634 (3) - the vocals stop 2) at 02:32:471 (1) - the lower guitar sound starts playing but it doesn't have a break like there is in the beatmap at 02:32:797 -



Marked as resolved by nishihara

02:34:183 (8) - Why is this sharper than these 02:34:672 (1,2,5,5) - ? I know the guitar pitch is increasing but there's no reason to only have the first one be sharp?



Marked as resolved by nishihara

07:18:856 (1) - I like the overall stream but the streams do get boring when they're only in an infinity loop, is there any other way that it can be mapped? I think the guitar is quite complex between 07:18:530 - and 07:21:139 - and imo it would play and look better to map it to the guitar sounds then.


i broke up the stream into 2 sections to have the guitar mapped separately.

Marked as resolved by nishihara