00:00:778 (1) - I am not a huge fan of this spinner that goes through really strong sounds from time to time. Would map this part properly (with sliders, notes and etc.), spinner feels really anti-climactic here
Or just remove the spinner entirely, your choice
Feels overspaced for the section
00:15:691 (3,4,5) -
comparison to
00:14:215 (2,3) -
00:16:838 (2,3) -
if you were trying to make an "expanding" effect then 00:16:838 (2,3) - is less spaced than 00:15:691 (3,4,5) -
00:20:445 (1) - replace this slider with 2 circles? the spot sounds the same as these circles 00:20:773 (2,3) - so i would suggest replacing this slider 00:20:445 (1) - with 2 big jumping circles somewhere aswell. the rhythm sounds kinda odd right now
Subjective and nitpick
00:20:445 (1,2,3,4) -
does not represent the decrescendo (?) of the piano as well as it should
00:21:101 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this Slider end and the stream is to space'y can you fix that a little bit? .
all of those strums I just use the head of a slider to emphasize it, don't want to make it too rhythmically dense for one of the most calm parts of the section (ex : 00:27:002 (1), 00:28:314 (1) )
00:24:379 (1) - could change the slider shape / space out more to emphasize a stronger sound
And a hitsound like here because they have the same sound 00:27:002 (1)
00:29:625 (1) - would also space this out more as well
00:31:592 (5,6,7) - probably should rearrage the pattern so the spacing in 00:31:592 (5,6,7) - isnt so big
nerfed the spacing a bit but I think the larger spacing is fine since the jumps also consist of 00:30:773 (4,1) and 00:31:101 (2,3), the gap between 00:31:592 (5,6) just isn't a small jump because I wanted to emphasize 00:31:920 (7)
i agree with kold, 56 still feels too big, since nothing's actually happening. pitch is going down.
00:39:789 (6,7,1) - loses contrast, since it's the same spacing on a way more important sound
00:46:592 (6) - feels like it would be more approperiate to have a triple burst here but its just an opinion; I would do smth like this https://imgur.com/B5qUh0k
00:49:297 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - nerf spacing probably since your more intense part (00:55:691 (1,2,3,4,5) - ) has smaller spacing (and buff that intense part a bit)
Felt like you had a mental block for this
00:50:117 (6,7,8,1) -
(back and forth into overlap)
this does not represent any pattern you have built up on ( i may be mistaken and i apologize if so ) and that it looks so random
you were doing standard and visually spaced patterns consistently in this section prior then this hit.
if you were trying to make it stand out for implication of section change, please consider making this better in a sense that it builds up upon concepts already present ( visual spacing ex: 00:39:297 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - )
00:59:133 (4,5,6) - would be cool if 5 was low spacing to emphasize 6, since you are emphasizing vocals a lot.
01:01:101 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - kills off intensity when only vocal is mapped, try to mix in some 1/2 slides for the drum as well (make the rhythm clickable)
01:07:494 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - probably a better fit with a stream (unless theres a specific reason on making this jump)
01:08:969 (1,2) - there's barely any difference between the spacing when it comes to these objects 01:07:986 (2,3,4,5,6,7) and these 01:08:969 (1,2) despite 1-2 having a much stronger sound that is easily distinquishable. Would buff the spacing between 01:08:969 (1,2) to emphasize a strong sound
It's not like I don't wanna add it but I feel adding that makes it a lot more denser (since there is a burst right after like at 01:21:592 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1)) also wanted to make consistent with rest of kiai
this is a diff spike. whether you change this or keep it, up to you. Just wanted to point it out not necessarily saying its good or bad. It is, in what my opinion of it is.
03:12:248 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - same here.
I feel like there is an inherit problem with how you handle the spacing intensity in the kiai
as one moment youre hitting these
03:00:281 (6,7,1,2,3,4) -
03:04:707 (2,3,4,5,1,2) -
then this
03:12:248 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -
01:30:937 (7) - would place around x:379 and y:188 to emphasize 01:31:101 (1) this more and also to make the spacing sort of even between the objects
01:47:822 (4,5,6) - pretty random super intensive triangle circle jump here. nothing spectacular happening in the song to emphasize so intensive jumps imo. i suggest making the triangle jumps spacing just smaller, select the circles and ctrl+shift+s and set it on like 0,800 or something
02:05:035 (4) - collides with 02:04:051 (1) - which doesnt look clean, just move it up, not really neccesary tho due to ar so :shrug:
02:13:232 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - big spaced jumps but its a calm section? feels off since the song is quiet here
it's to lead into the next section and if you compare it to 02:11:756 (4,1) or 02:11:101 (2,3) the spacing isn't that much bigger
02:46:346 (1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) -
I have an open issue about this and I dont mind if you dont change it as its very preferenced.
I understand by looking at this map, you kinda know what youre doing and you do some stuff consistently well, not to insult you, but as to inform you that I recognize your skill hence you can take this or dismiss it.
notice how the music "builds up" ?
The issue is 02:46:346 (1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - could be so much better to represent the said "build up" tension the song is playing with.
hence you can, start small end big. by consistently spacing out you lose contrast as to whats important, hence not properly addressing what the song is doing.
02:48:641 - maybe adding a little curve to this streaming, which is more smoother in gameplay imo.
(hopefully slightly larger spacing may also help, but all depends when gameplaying.)
Suggestion: https://puu.sh/IcosX/814b09e64e.jpg
02:55:199 (1) - reverse doesnt land on a beat? maybe just make it an extended slider just without the reverse, feels off imo
from here 02:55:855 - it sounds like there should start a slider instead of circles. having 6 circles here 02:55:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - feels somehow like overextended usage of circles
i suggest removing these 02:55:855 (5,6) - then moving this slider 02:56:182 (7) - to 02:55:855 - and making it even a reverse one, and then adding here circle 02:56:346. i leave the object placement up to you but this rhythm imo could work better for following vocals with sliders
do same rhythm thing for this second chorus part too if accepted 03:16:182 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
03:33:232 (1) - seems too far away, yes, the sound is unique, but it's not that strong to justify this spacing
04:49:297 (1) - same here
04:11:264 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) -
This section could use a nerf spacing wise. in a sense there is " too much movement hence losing movement contrast to the next section which kicks in livelier. but because of how the section is spaced out now. it feels like youre hitting the same thing spacing wise but denser.
you already did a good job identifying that its a better call to not have dense rhythm, maybe consider less movement to make the next section pop
04:45:199 (5,6,1) - doesnt blanket 04:44:543 (3) - properly because of the stack (turn stacks on in editor just incase)