00:21:878 (3,1) - think spacing on this is too close since you always use big spacing on stuff like this ,see 00:02:883 (3,1) - 00:07:405 (3,1) - etc. kinda broke the consistency to what you have before and i think big spacing is nice to emphasize that long slider as well,also dont see big difference on this one so doesnt fit if just this one use cramped spacing
00:21:933 (3,1) - sudden wide angle jump here which doesnt fit in to what you've been doing before and thus feels uncomfortable
it's not that it's too difficult, its that in the middle of seemingly nowhere the jump angling changes once only to go straight back to tight angle jumps again, inconsistency. can't force you so if you don't want to it's fine haha
I see your point, but i'll try my best to explain why i'll not accept it
Well, putting the case that its a 1/1 aside, before that you have 2 more jumps to hit, this one 00:07:460 (3,1) - you have the movement to the right and to the left quikly, 00:14:696 (3,1) - here to the right two times and here 00:21:933 (3,1) - to the right two times. With that in mind, you have the angles of the slider changing the angle, you have the same situation right here 00:14:696 (3,1) - , triangles are doing a directional to the left and the slider is pointing to the right, in that session you have a higher jump. aside of the tringles, those 00:21:631 (2,3,1) - are kinda of a straight line to the hand. I would really agree to you if it was a intense session~
00:36:651 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - grouping of these objects seem a bit random, since the instrument you're following kinda groups in pairs of 4 like shown here which u did pattern "correctly" 00:29:415 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -
00:47:577 (1) - i think this would actually work better if it was like low spacing with 00:47:124 (2) - especially how the piano actually misses the beat here and the vocal volume/importance doesnt really change much if at all
00:48:410 (1,2,3) - repeating a movement from 00:47:506 (1,2,3) - feels kinda lack of contrast imo since they are clearly different to what you want to focus,first one 00:47:506 (1,2,3) - is like focused on the vocal and the second 00:48:410 (1,2,3) - is focused on the instrument melody (clearly not follow vocal on this tbh) so would nice to differentiate in movement as well instead just on sv and sliderhape, for example you could ctrlg 00:48:712 (2) - kinda more cool in movement and contrast well to me
00:50:219 (13) - why not short slider like you did before? i would choose one and stay consistent
00:54:290 (2) - i think big spacing should be on this and not on 00:54:139 (1) - ,cuz this is 00:54:290 (2) - rly has strong vocals and even a finish
01:07:798 (2) - can i suggest unblanketing all circles which have this "hey!" backing vocal on it? i think it would be cool to differentiate it from the other blankets
01:12:793 (16,1) - snapping? this is too hard to tap properly here cuz this snapping is changing suddenly out of nowhere esp on this high bpm,could easily fix if u use 1/4 slider on 01:12:624 - or could just break the stream from it and just use 1/2 jumps instead
01:25:499 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - i'd recommend swapping the spacing between this stream with 00:49:315 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - since it's more intense but lower spacing