mapped by ktgster
This beatmap was ranked on 24 January 2021!
nominated by Liz Triangle and Morrighan
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the overall sv of this diff seems to be too low, like.. way too low
I'm aware that this is a part of the gimmicks in this mapset/diff but 1/2 and 1/6 sliders are barely differentiable which is also like being a single pixel difference
I think insane was at a really nice spot, but you could use like 0.2x minimum for top diff
0.1x seems a bit too gimmicky for me


The sliders are that short to make them look similar to a circle. Making them longer would make some sections significantly easier. I've also had testplays from players who can play the map and most do not seem to mind them. It is a small set of players so I could consider changing this if it becomes a problem in qualified per say.

Marked as resolved by ktgster

i will add on, for an AR0 map, especially when everything is perfectly stacked like this, you're expected to read approach circles. Sliders appear pretty much only when theres a circle after it, so you can gauge the length of the slider by looking at the approach circle of the next object


Hi~ heard this map is going for ranked status, so I've decided to try modding for the first time.

First of all, I wanted to thank you and other mappers for trying to push ar0 into the ranked section. This has made me want to spend more time playing online.

This mapset is cool because it adds reading concepts on each difficulty to get to the final diff, which is the most difficult to read—and in a sense—the beatmap in its "final" form: something I really like to see.

I had no trouble one-try and two-try sightread HD full comboing the hard and insane diffs respectively.

The Focus! diff, however, breaks from quite a few concepts with its stack leniency change.

I did notice the stack leniency progression going from Hard (0.2) to Insane (0.1) to Focus! (0.0), which seems like a nice idea, but unfortunately the jump from .1 to 0 is way too large in my opinion.

The 1/8, 1/6, and 1/4 beats suddenly being perfectly stacked is a huge reading difficulty increase, a lot of which seems to be on parts not intended for as much difficulty. This actually makes some of the less intense parts harder than the more intense ones because notes stack perfectly more often when spacing is lower, and there is no aim flow to follow to help with reading.

To put the difficulty difference in perspective, I sightread the map with hd only, played some practice diffs to get a feel for the song. Then, I played it 8 times on stack leniency .2, and then 7 times on stack leniency 0 afterward, leaving the sightread at the bottom.

These were the results:

Of course, hard memorizing the map would make the stacks trivial after a while, but I feel like this would make for an excellent reading (as opposed to memory) map on stack leniency .2 .

I also tried the map on .1 afterwards, but I believe leaving both the Insane and Focus! diffs on .2 would be the most consistent and fun, while also making the top diff a good test of rhythmic reading.

You could argue that I'm simply not good enough for this diff, or that it shouldn't be much of a problem without HD, so maybe a second opinion could help you decide what's best. Good luck~


One of the main points of the map is learning the unorthodox melody as many of the maps quirks aren't exactly readable. There are points in the map where the sliders aren't clearly readable and the player simply has to know it. This is mostly the case for a majority of the map.

While perhaps raising the stack leniency to 0.2 would probably make for a better reading challenge, it also breaks many of the patterns that rely on the perfect stacks which I believe would undermine the map as a whole.


Resolving after chat with Aery.

Marked as resolved by ktgster