00:07:903 (3,4) - I think representing this held vocal sound through a longer slider would fit better since with these two sliders you are only following the ticking and it is no different to 00:08:695 (5,6) -
00:26:911 (1) - should give this object some more emphasis. Having it overlapped with the previous circles undermines the impact of the sound it lands on. smth like moving it to the right a little can work but what's important is just making sure it's not overlapping with the previous objects.
00:37:208 (1) - Dont have this overlap with the previous slider, make it distinct! The sound being mapped here is very different from what the previous slider at 00:36:416 (5) is mapping so having them overlap makes no sense as you're effectively saying "hey these two sounds being mapped are similar" when they very much are not. You seem to this a lot as well so im going to stop commenting on it and suggest you try and find all instances of similar things to this as well.
00:52:260 (4) - My suggestion is to insert a circle here. I would insert it like this: https://install.gent.ooo/EaDb594.png
oh ok, its a real sound there, idk why i ignored it, also i put circle here: 00:14:243 (4) - because the same pattern, thank youu
01:39:361 (3) - I think this is a bit overkill spacing wise
big emphasis should fall on 01:39:757 (5) - instead because this is the strongest sound here
01:42:529 (4) - Map this actively. This the intense part of the song no reason to simplify it with a repeat slider.
01:44:905 (6) - You must have not noticed but you made this slider 1/8 when it should be 1/12 instead. Seeing as all other sliders mapping this same sound are 1/12.
01:55:399 (4,5) - maybe stack these since the beat stops completely on 5
something to consider would be to use a reverse slider instead of a circle on 5 like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15872976/60ed also look at 01:50:647 (4,5) - 01:52:231 (4,5) - etc
lets try it, doesnt look bad! but i dont know about 01:50:647 (4,5) - 01:52:231 (4,5) - he stretches the syllable on these sliders, i tried it... but i still think my idea is bit better, but feel free to reopen it! i will try my best! thank you a lot!