mapped by Feylos
This beatmap was ranked on 7 February 2021!
nominated by Davvy and Arzenvald
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I know it's real cute the way you use 1/6 LN in this difficulty, however rules must be adhered to, and it violates this ranking criteria guideline under Insane level difficulties: "Avoid using 1/6 or higher snap long note streams. These are very hard to hit and release because of their very short length. Use regular notes in place of streams instead." There's very little way to justify its usage since it becomes a relative diffspike to many players, causing unnecessary 200 drops to happen out of nowhere given how strict the timing window for shorter LN is, and it is really abundant in this map. How you choose to solve it is up to you. But really, it's way too present in this map where you mostly refrain from using 1/6 streams, and 1/6 LN streams are much harder than 1/6 streams so it causes the difficulty balance to go out of the window. 1/6 LN for 4 notes I think is fine, however anymore than the threshold where it would consitute as a stream, such as at this point 02:32:085, is simply too much and should be redone.


ok so basically im just gonna turn the longer 1/6th ln parts into just 1/6th streams if that works

Marked as resolved by Feylos

02:51:916 - to 02:53:498 - try this

i think it will be better to reduce the amount of 1/6 LN stream here, its quite spiked making the gap between MX & HD very far, but close between MX & SC

what do you think?


i agree it needs nerfed, but the way in which it's reduced doesnt make sense to me. like it feels random where the new ln was added. im just gonna nerf it to 1/3rd lns to simplify, but layer it more than i did with the HD.

Marked as resolved by Feylos

What a boring ending to this map. It's the only thing I was hyped about for this entire map. Same for SC, it's just so boring.


LN quad is boring but there's really not much i can do there aside from a long ass 1/6th stream for the ending, which doesnt fit the mx at all. As far as the SC goes, i dont know what you're expecting for an incredibly repetitive part. upper diffs are just split trills or just a long trill for the top diff. SC is rolly stream to be easier than that.

Marked as resolved by Feylos

Indeed, not many mapping options at the end, but a stream would make it a nice ending.
I like to make my maps, for example, in a way that the difficulty matches the intensity of the song, so i'd go for a stream at the end.


ok so as far as stream options go, we have 1/3rd which would be too easy and underwhelming, 1/4th which wouldnt fit, and 1/6th which would be far too hard unless i made it just a roll wall, which is not only also boring but annoying to play. ln quad is at least pseudo intense
