01:16:755 (1,2,3) - (3) should be a long, reverse slider, you also forgot a note on 01:18:897
01:12:469 (3) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794435/7370 should fit better (apply the previous mod before)
the ranking criteria says to avoid short sliders with multiple reverses for easy difficulties because new players may not be able to read it, and at a high bpm like this one, i think it might be best if i keep it like this https://puu.sh/Eeizz/63e7b1dea8.png
01:13:693 (4) - divide the slider length by 2, make it a reverse slider
slider looked kinda gross after scaling it down so i made it into this https://puu.sh/Eeivr/43d2fee97f.png
01:05:122 (9,1) - there's a huge gap on the timeline, and I feel like it's unjustified. Having something like this should be good enough https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794426/5ca6
https://puu.sh/Eeirv/4634e45047.png I generally try to avoid half-beat sliders on easy diffs but i think this is okay
00:01:449 (1) - scale this slider to x0.600, and add 00:02:520 (2) - a circle, in order to fit the piano as you initially did with the long slider. You can stack (2) on the new (3), shouldn't be a problem - you can also position it on x:439 y:116 (or somewhere around) to keep a consistent distance between (1) and (3).
00:21:040 (1,2,3) - shorten (2) to a full 1/4 measure, make (3) a slider of the same length
i think you mean something like this but can you please clarify to make sure
00:12:469 (2,3) - you mapped (1) to the piano - you should stick to that, and have something like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794273/33b3. If you wish to stick to vocals, I'd recommend remapping this small section. If you need help with that, I can provide some ideas.
am going to remap for the vocals
is this rhythm good for new players or is it bad since the slider is on a red tick https://puu.sh/Edycj/992219a054.png
also could this overlap possibly be hard to read for new players https://puu.sh/Edyi2/d8f673f352.png
00:28:387 (8,9,10) - you should apply a NC on (8), and fix (9,10) like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794391/c37e, to fit the "nai kedo" in the vocals. Also I like (10) a lot, fits the guitar correctly I think.
00:32:061 (3,4) - stack (4) under (3), or re-position (4) as to have (2,3,4) look like a triangle.
00:17:367 (6,7,8) - Something like this would look better and more fitting https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794292/18f2
EDIT; also NC on (6)
i think im trying to prioritize vocals so im gonna do something a little like that but the slider is gonna be a beat earlier and ill add an extra circle on the third beat of that measure
so something like this maybe https://puu.sh/EdytY/19a09c70c2.png
00:03:897 (2,3) - I'd suggest something like this - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13794249/ba9f, to keep this part mapped to the piano, as you seemingly first intended to.