You're normal and hard diff hs are sometime 100% which is wayyy too loud for the music. Furthermore, some difficulties use higher volumes than others? You can copy hs from diff to diff with: I really suggest using it because right now your hitsounds are really inconsistent between difficulties, and some are too loud.
I'm going to post this is General (All dificulties) since it covers a few diffs (tho not all since hs are inconsistent). You use whistles to emphasis vocals yet you miss out a loud of vocals: For example, 00:12:427, 00:12:760, 00:23:427, 00:30:427,00:31:760. I really think you should add them because the song's vocals feel kinda weak without them in places. It's weird to have them for some and not for others, and the reason as to why that is isn't 'obvious' enough to me to warrant it.
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Hype this beatmap to make it more visible for nomination and ranking! You have 9 hype left.