00:10:803 (1) - I think you already made your point that the starting is impactful so this 1/4 slider really isnt need imo and it plays kinda bad
i disagree, bc the sound there is still noticeably stronger than what the first 2 objects land on. the biggest reason i used a 1/4 slider is because the sound extends until it repeats again on 00:10:953 (2) -
00:26:403 (1,2) - this doesnt really read like a 1/2 gap and i dont see much of a reason to have such a small gap here regardless, maybe increase spacing
the intention with the spacing here was to slow down the movement after the momentum you're getting from the previous 1/4 gap 00:26:103 (5,1) - . it's for the vocal that lowers in intensity and fades off here, i think it's fitting. i do the same thing on the other 1/1 reverse sliders movement/spacing wise
00:28:503 (4) - i get it that youre trying to cover the vocals but it feels weird bc its so out of place having long sliders mid-song. still sounds pretty hype-y at this point
00:33:753 (1) - This slider could probably look better. Right now, it looks kind of awkward.
00:40:503 (2,1) - imo the spacing here reduces some of the impact that the spacing of 00:40:353 (1,2) has since there isnt a strong sound on 00:40:653 (1), maybe reduce spacing
i'd consider doing that if it wouldn't mess up my pattern here. i believe it works fine as is because of the small spacing between 00:40:653 (1,2) - . it shows the decrease in intensity.
00:54:003 (1) - consider buffing your distances from here significantly bc of the increase in pitch of instruments
01:13:728 (1,2) - maybe nc 2 instead of 1 to avoid blue tick nc (same with 01:14:928 (1,2))
personally, i prefer to nc on the blue tick here because it works better for me visually. i see the double as its own entity and i like to keep it separate from the slider. there's also the fact that the drums become more audible on the blue tick compared to the sliderend's red tick in this case
01:15:303 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - hard to read, 3 being in the middle of the base of the triangle doesn't make a whole lot of sense.