Since forming in 2012, Japanese indie band Mili has become an iconic pillar in rhythm games. Unlike most contributors to the rhythm game scene, Mili produces songs outside the scope of electronic music, delving into variations on classical genres. Ranging from upbeat pop-rock tracks to classic piano solos to folk-styled tunes, Mili covers every niche you could ask for, all featuring vocals from the band's lead singer momocashew.
Cytus and Deemo boast Mili's music front and center, inspiring countless members of the osu! community. Utopiasphere, Nine Point Eight, and Fable were among the first Deemo-featured tracks to hit osu!, followed by major community icons like world.execute(me);. Consisting of classics and new tracks alike, Mili's catalogue has a blend of tracks that no osu! player can resist. Do your part and start mapping already.