Thx to Sick_Little_Puppy, i was able to make this Song, also for his efforts i allowed him to get the background picture in which i hope you like ^_^
Thank You roxkyuubiforever for the hitcircle Design

(Fixed all Mods Given to me By James2250 ^_^ )
(Fixed all Mods Given to me By WyndII ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me by BlissFulyoshi ^_^ )
*As for the spacing, i shall leave it how it is ATM as this MAP is based for easier experience/Gameplay for New Players and such* *Will However Change if i recieve any more complaints*
(Fixed All Mods Given to me by Mafiamaster ^_^ )
(Fixed All Mods Given to me by EEeee ^_^ )
(Fixed the Mods Given to me by gdeath ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me by Fartownik ^_^ )
(Fixed All Mods Given to me by Card N'FoRcE ^_^ )
(Fixed All Mods Given to me by Minyeob ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me by Wojjan ^_^ )
(Fixed Distance Change for Hard Mod From GBL ^_^ )
(Left Normal as it is for now though)
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me By WyndII ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me By haisha_ ^_^ )
(Fixed All Mods Given to me by Kurai_ ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me by Roxkyuubiforever ^_^)
(Fixed the Resnap mod given to me by Card N'Force ^_^)
(Fixed Normal Map Suggested by Doomsday (Thinking on the Hard part though) ^_^)
(Mapped the Break in Hard ^_^)
(Fixed Modd Given to me by Osuplayer111 ^_^ )
(Fixed Some Mods Given to me by Jericho2442 ^_^ )
(Fixed Mods Given to me by Whymeman ^_^ )
(Fixed Mods Given to me by Mafiamaster ^_^ )