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come on bro it literally forces you to use hr if you are bad at game
Just read smh
(im bad at the game)
god damn there's finally a nm fc on minorsonek's diff
With Fire and Sword by Henryk Sienkiewicz
bruh moment in school
thx for pp mr mapper
17 months on and there are STILL no FCs without HR.
2 HDHR FCs among 13 passes.
3 HR-only FCs among 21 passes.
3 EZ passes, 14 HD passes, 42 NM passes. For a total of 93 submitted plays without NF.
A non-HR FC at this point would be very scintillating indeed.
grats willcookie btw
so uh, WillCookie hidden fced
oop forgot to update this comment when he got the score
over a year and WillCookie finally gets the first non-HR fc and it's with hidden LMAO
Almost AR8 DragonForce
dude i play mouse only and 5 stars i tried 4 stars on this couldnt finish wth man what the fuck did you create
well this is a stream map, and streams are usually pretty hard on mouse only
this map is good for finger control. GJ!
No u
Disclaimer: HR ruins the experience!Try playing without it instead for maximum enjoyment!
Disclaimer: Noone really cares, they play what they want
fun fact: shut the fuck up
most people are farmers who can't read AR below 9.2
ar>8 doesn't require any reading skills wdym
minorsonek loki mapper
this map feels good as hell to play
hell yeah another loki song
what's it with minorsonek and loki lol