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I've been like 195 attempts to get 100%
I hate the last level i have 90% something on it but the fact that the circle is almost out of the screen or under the health bar is so annoying
how do i download it help
the best timingvery cool
бляяя такая поебота конченая
реально поебота
my first 50+ pp play!
First 100pp here...
50 millions retry spammers is crazy
мапа говно 1 мис уже здох удалите ее кто это создал я реально вам зубы выбивал
Мапа супер, у тебя какие то моды.
да и играть научись
Может у тебя мод
Мапа не говно это ты говно
pretty epic yeah
too ez for 4.5-4.7 stars, imho...i can't beat on C other 4.5 "default" maps, but lol, i beat this 4.7 diff (4.5+hrhd)
it's called a farm map for some reason
just abusing pp system, eh
the beatmap is good
94 rank gg best nostalgic song of this game
People who couldn't catch the beat blaming the map💀
The Intro song of my childhood
easy 100pp map!! ty<3
this beatmap automatically makes osu! the greatest rhytym game of all time.
Best map ever. i very like it, because, the song is really nice!! (+100 PP)
gotta love the nostalgia
maper's mom suck my dck
why you so mean man that made him cry
*8537 :>
Realy good map!!
gone now
I have a extremely unlucky experience with the hard diff, but i finally got a HDDTFL FC :) finally Top 10 bois
wow, for me FC'ing something on HDDTFL is veeery tough and difficult. Need some memory practice:). nice!
yo nice score
it's realy good
I just played multiplayer, put this map, and everything worked out by itselfI'm ashamed of my best record, I really didn't mean it.
its fun
I love HDDTHR.....
same, it gives me absolutely low acc but very high pp
wtf score
map is so satisfying
кек, сложный проходил 2 дня
respond if skipper like if is this got yoda time!
First 4 star fc ty :)
First 4 star SS. Thanks :D
ever expect the most horrific notes known to mankind but you accidentally fc the song first try
got a -1 for a ss bullshit
goated song
Ale essa
the insane is so cancer holy shit