Lots of hard work went into this, I hope you enjoy.
SPOILER3/30/11 Finish remapping streams in Hard mode. Streamlined spacings and added hitsounds to Hard mode.
4/9/11 Remapped 1/4th streams in Psycho into 1/2th streams. Fixed many spacings and beats.
4/10/11 Added 2 second lead in in PsYcHo, fixed some beats in psycho, simplified beat in Hard.
4/12/11 Changed up some of the 1/4th stacks in Hard. Added some hitsounds to PsYcHo
5/2/11 Added Haneii's Normal
5/6/11 Changed a pattern in hard and other small things.
5/11/11 Remapped ending for insane, working on finishing hitsounds for all difficulties. Fixed song title. Moved to pending.
5/12/11 Changed Offset/ Remapped problem area in Hard
5/14/11 Fixed up some spacings in Easy
5/28/11 Unified lead in, fixed preview point, changed bits of Easy and PsYcHo, cleaned up some spacings in PsYcHo, added some more hitsounds here and there, fixed background size, all diffs now end in the same place
5/30/11 Added more tags, fixed some spacings, and some hitsounds, Haneii's diff was updated
6/1/11 Combo colors are now the same in all difficulties, cleaned up a few spacings in PsYcHo
6/8/11 Fixed up some more spacings in Hard / PsYcHo
6/10/11 Altered the last stream in PsYcHo, cleaned up some more spacings in PsYcHo,fixing an unrankable slider in Hard
6/12/11 Slightly adjusted some spacings in PsYcHo
6/15/11 Fixed many spacings and a few problem beats
6/16/11 Remapped ending of Easy difficulty.
6/17/11 Changed a hard to see combo color, changed some things in Easy, fixed patterns in PsYcHo
6/19/11 Fixed jericho's Mod
6/22/11 Add hitsounds to Easy and some slight repositioning of sliders, fixed several beats in Hard
10/15/11 Added more hitsounds to Easy/PsYcHo
10/19/11 Updated PsYcHo with some new patterns/transitions and hitsounds
2/19/12 Slight fixes to spacing and hitsounds in PsYcHo/Hard, and some parts remapped in PsYcHo
3/13/12 Hitsound improvements across Easy, hard, and PsYcHo, among other fixes thanks to Tic Click
3/15/12 Readjusted several notes, and sliders as well as further hitsound improvements to hard and some adjustments in PsYcHo
3/20/12 Adjusted some patterns in Hard, and touched up some hitsounds in Easy
3/26/12 Remapped intro area in Hard, plus other small tweaks, intensified some streams in PsYcHo
3/28/12 Volume fixes and other small changes in Hard
3/28/12 Patterns in Normal were made simpler.
3/31/12 Removed some spacing inconsistencies in PsYcHo
4/4/12 Fixed a couple small patterns in Hard and tidied up some spacings in Easy, improved hitsounds in PsYcHo
4/9/12 Remapped some parts of PsYcHo and adjusted combos, adjusting compressed streams/triples, fixed unsnapped slider ends in Normal.
4/11/12 Tweaked some patterns in PsYcHo
4/13/12 IRC mod with Gens.
5/14/12 Tended to Beuchi's mod, changed combo color sequence.
5/17/12 Full submit, deleted osb, to fix mapset issue