My second beatmap! This time, it took me a whole lot more time to finish it, but since it was a good song to use, it didn't take too long, really.
Beginners should probably refrain from trying this song as one of their firsts. The power-bar goes down pretty rapid, making it very necessary to get as much beats as possible, and the song goes very fast, too.
The song is one of my favourites from the beat-and-rhythm-game "Rhythm Tengoku" for Game Boy Advance. Since I don't know who really made it, I just guess it was made by J.P. ROOM as well.
The beatmap comes with a background.
NEW UPDATE: Made some fixes, thanks to eyup again, and added "Insane!!" as a difficulty, which is like "Hard", only with a more cruel life-bar, smaller notes and some slight modifications (like some breaks were taken out - exciting. ;D )
OLD UPDATE: I fixed the timing of the double-beats and made some other fixes, as eyup suggested (thanks!) and also made it easier in general (the life-bar won't drain so fast now).
Furthermore, I added an easier "Normal"-mode, so you get used to the song!
Hope you guys will enjoy it! It's fun, really. ;D