Salsa by Natsu bonito Another by apaffito Expert by panito con queso Insane by Eunita Hard by Natsensual Advanced by Bakarito 00:00:528 - 01:50:726 - and Cute Natsusito 01:50:726 - 03:36:468 - Normal Natsusito Easy La facil de Gerorito
Well for the criticism i'd say the last diff feels too "snappy" to play, not really what you'd expect from salsa, at least that's what I think. Good job anyway :D/
yeah wehn making this map I was going to make 2 Extras by myself the current circle based one and a slider based one, since sliders usually are better in this kind of song, but I got apaffy diff so I decide to don't map my other diff. Thanks for criticim in a good way c:
The comment sections are starting to look more and more like that of a presidential debate, with the exception that there's not much accomplished. Congratulations on looking like the type of kid that complains about the shoes your parents bought you as birthday present, Amai Hachimitsu. The parents may not have known what you would prefer and therefore chose something that they thought you would enjoy using, however, you decided to give a rant full of nonsense back at that them as if they'd just ruined the entire world. Pathetic.
The map is 2/10, what else?
You hype the Salsa thing while the Salsa diff is all about pp jumps, this song has so many possible patterns that could accentuate the song but yeah who needs this in 2016.
BG only confirms that you just disregard the art of mapping in favour of more people playing it (because moe). Or perhaps you didn't know that the eye-patched girl is not Akazawa Izumi?
I could provide exact same criticism to 30% of the modern maps, but this one got the priority due to the fact I like the song.