i used to hate this map but i got better and now i realise its good
really cute background, awesome map
thank you for the 5* fc :)
i miss reflec beat
genuinely a really fun map!
damn nice bg
Please update the audioThe song is beautiful but the audio quality is just bad uwuIt has a lot of noise
I think thats just the preview, in game it sounds fine
download cause of background XD
Very cool map! <3
Special diff has some interesting unique patterns.
downloaded it just because of the background :>
The music took my breath away.. Insta fav..
but why the BG
get that out of here pls
it's very good and fit imo
Why dont you call ghosbtusters?
came for bg (see what i did there :} )
Me came too
*goes to ranked beatmaps* *sees bg* *download intensifies*
mp3 WutFace
Nice map :)
Starfy \o/
dat BG '-')/
Jajajaj Cookiezi xD GG
kantoku sux anywy
Better than VINXIS tho :>
nice BG
curtain call memes
memes called by curtain
that song is so beautiful <3
that bg is so beautiful ♥
BG makes downloads <3
Kantoku is back ♥
\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
not only downloads
Nice logic xd
pretty bg!
Sounds good dude , congratz
First well nice map.
i cant believe lucio from overwatch commented on this beatmap