I feel like this map should have got more attention. Really fucking fun. Really nice challenge for me as a new player and still really fun to play as a more experienced player. Thank you VINXIS :heart:
Thanks for liking it bro, I feel like this amount of attention is the amount that I was expecting for this map honestly similar to my Homura map https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/837924 or Niteracer https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/809748 because none of them really have anything that really make a beatmap popular: Intense Epic Song Camellia Poggers Moment, strong following behind the song outside of osu!, nor "farmability" from the map, so it makes sense albeit disappointing but cant really do much about that stuff
If i mapped this song now I would probably make large changes as to how I mapped this because I dislike how intense I made the calm stream section, and the 1/3 section has very little consistency in its choices, so I personally don't mind it That much as to the very little attention it got, but it is still nice to see people still enjoying a map like this a lot