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When the grocery store clerk asks me if I want the milk in a bag, I always tell him, "No, I'd rather drink it out of the carton!"
Ada nama gw
posting in legendary beatmap
I didn't even touch this map and can smell PP.
praise the sun
nice song :3
I really like this map and it's in my top 15 of my favorites. Maybe top 10 or 5 >_>
i have so much trouble with jumps, and can only stream with one finger or i go to fast. oh well noice song :3
[quote="Shad0w1and"]mapping for pp and ignore the music is a sad fact in this community.[/quote]
nice dood
The climax call for the difficulty. I actually agree your kiai mapping in your hero diff.
tag 不加memorries off?
Tried to make some PP jumps in Insane diff anyways ;w;
thank you<3