If you download this pack, and give it 1 because you can't pass it... I'll hate you!
Audio: Mp3 196 Kbps ( Mami Kawada - No buts!.mp3 )
Video: Flv - 480p h264 (higher saturation) ( ToAruMajutsuNoIndexII - [No Buts!].flv )
Difficulty: Hard , Normal , Easy + Taiko( by samiljul ) + Insane By Nekoo[]
Map Storylog (Last)
Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:45 am - This map was ranked
Nekoo(for the Insane)
samiljul(for the 31's Taiko)
Card_n'Force(for having helped me so much, with requesting nothing in change)
all the people that helped me
all the people that starred me
Why lyrics don't show?
you have downloaded this beatmap before 10/12/2010 ( DD/MM/YYYY ), just create a folder named "Lyrics" in "osu!Songs21218 Mami Kawada - No buts!" folder and move all "LyricsParts" onto it.
Why "Hard" difficulty don't show ?
you have downloaded this map before 5/12/2010 ( DD/MM/YYYY ), you can just download the "NoVideo" version
Why you suck that much?,Why you are an idiot? or similiar
therefore .. why you just said me "you suck" or "you're an idiot" ?
Why you left the CtB diff?
It's a nosense rule and people say peppy said it... that made me drop it... too with the author that don't want it in the comment.. sorry!