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I wish we had a remake of Adventure Time :(
man I miss this show 😭
Adventure time not is a anime
it doesn't matter
but not it matters. why does it have to be anime?
best music :3
One of the best cartoon shows evaaaaa!!!!!
Marceline still Favorite of this Show!
Come and map with me♫ And the Geroflies and bees♪
Adventure time is the best anime of 2017. Not aimed for kids. Sweet princess is a old woman who never gets old. D:
Adventure time isn't an anime, it's a cartoon...
Cory in the house is best animu from cartoon network por everyonne
WRONG, Cory in the house is best anime
Marcy is half demon, half vampire, older than PB and never gets old as well~
good beat
best sb
ahh, I love this cartoon~ <3
that stripes tho