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in chillout diff, cs is fine but that much hp drain? Definitely worth more than 5.5* if you ask me.
using cs 4.5 was mega gay
Brilliant map, but does the circle size in chillout really need to be that high?
long time S finally fixed, hooray(#752313)
based ss farmer
one of the best 255bpm stream maps
beggining drains too much hp
I was doing it with HR, the beginning is the hardest part and then the streams are easy to choke on as a mouse only player
Those hitsound are so crisp, music to the ear.
want a long ver TwT
"Chillout" LMAO :d
Achievement unlocked: Get graped by continuous streams
HP drain OP
such a good map bro <3
directed by ktg
Gayz DT when ?
just happened
205 pp :3
Awesome Song <3
story board reminds me of shinsekai yori
LOL not expected
nice map :^)
Ever since Flaklypa became one of the bundled songs and the mapping song for one of the MBC Rameses B maps started popping up quite frequently <3
Conclusion: MBC have a really big influence in the songs mapper choose!
really like this
OMG Nice Map
Thats one of my favourite Rameses B Tracks ever!
Streams everywhere<3
My Acc XD
Must rank
From being a Legend, "Transcended" into a God.
why I can't map like this =(
Would you map a different genre someday? Just asking ww
Lol I thought you were asking me
Inyus please, I want more dnb instead anime
Omg I was just asking, anyways I'd map more dnb but I need inspiration these days :c
dnb is great :(
btw milan you should rename to R-Btvsizemapper :D
milan ranking these dnb maps <3
Chillout streaming ?!
Edit: Wrong person LOL was ment @sowilo :D
Is this dragonforce? wtf the streams on Chillout diff
no chillout
This is by far my favorite
omg yes
nice map (in taiko)