govno ebani
Pending indeed
damn this shit hits hard
wtf ney stop dting the undtablealso rip mid stream finishers 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣💯
loved this map
cool map
Taiko diff in ddkk be like +0,5*
your banner lol
haha, yeah! The TTFaF map that rocks the most! 8)
I still believe I can FC this taiko diff someday, though ;-;
very poger indeed
this is 11 years old, no point in saying anything now lol
Shhh quiet
can you make a harder 4k plz
He aint gonna make another one for this, he made this 10 years ago
damn never kne wthis map was old
People are actually complaining about a map that was made at least a decade ago
holy fuck i finally passed this (but with trash acc)
A pass is a pass, congrats!
a e t r n a d t m o m e n t
d r a g o n f o r c e a r e d t m a p s
AR 8 Dragonforce???? WHAT
wtf gayn
wtf GN
Anyone else remember playing it on GH3 with a controller or Guitar and thought THAT was hard?
Can't believe in 10 years no one mentioned how the second chorus of the song is literally Saitama 2000Nice reference.
everyone's talking about how the ar is too low but I'm just thinking about how boring the taiko diff is at the beginning
sorry :(
At the beginning ??? More like the whole map OJFDSAHLIUFuih
breathes in
AR speed is too slow on medium, also you left like half of the song out. Please consider mapping the rest of the song on medium, even if it's super basic.
this map is from 2010.
bruh moment
the AR in the 3* difficulty. i am not an EZ player
so far away
Touchscreen + EZDT = EZ Clap
FGSky recently obtained #1 on the map with HD, obtaining 377pp and obtaining a total score of 209,932,796.
209,932,796 > 208,912,490.
Also, FGSky completely demolishes Cookie's accuracy, getting only 19x100s and 99.47% accuracy.
Yep, cookie's been defeated by the FL guy.
just change it bro
Guitar Hero 3
Man I Love This Song!!!
that moment when you are 1K pp and you realize that AR 8 is slow
98% en experto en guitar hero y aqui ni 80% en normal jajaja
I hunt weebs and send them to the other side
Horrible AR set on Hard difficulty.
Seriously how can u have s in a dragonforce map????
Medium difficulty is a mess, got into edit and with AR 7(instead of 4) it is much much easier :P consider it Lesjuh please
I wish the AR was faster for medium. It's unreadable for me.
love these maps except why are they all ar 8. Its much too slow for a high-bpm deathstream song like this in my opinion...
i sell bread :3
broken beatmap.
I Did the easiest version, im done... Kappa, and if you dont like Kappas then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), if you dont like that, then thats annoying
Can't defeat Cookiezi