MP9 opening / title screen o3o
Collab part bookmarked you can check the difficult (i'm not yet setting the HP/OD)
Kantan by
- Magic Bomb - with few of my changes
Futsuu Finished
Muzukashii Finished
Collab Oni Finished
SB Finished
ready to mod
Mario Party 2 Title Screen
Mario Party 1 Title Screen
Compilation of Mario Party Title Screenre-download if you downloaded before 18-07-2015 on 10:29 GMT Time!!!
Fun Fact : before judy's mod, the notes = the star rating (374 - 3,74*) and that's also happened before newyams' mod on irc with me (376 = 3.76*)
Bubbled by newyams99
Ranked by Volta
Check below for the part