Rayman 1 is a fun game, and you should play it.
05/01/2015: Changed background, special thanks to
Anthony Philippeau for making such a beautiful piece of artwork!
Officially revived and active towards ranking: 03/14/2017
Status: Looking for BNs! The map shall undergo the seeking of mods in the meantime, but the map has reached a fair level of polish at this point in time, so while I work on modifying this map to perfection throughout mods, BN checkups would be greatly appreciated!EDIT: Thanks to Jonawaga for bubbling, and my constant bubbling popping, and Surono for qualifying the map at the end (oops sorry Stefan didn't quite find the right time :< )
Thanks Surono for noticing bugged SV, and Irreversible for DQ'ing after the fact. Let's work this one more time.
Please download past 05/03/2017 if you wish to have your glorious 1366x768 BG, otherwise feel free to forever be three pixels short~