что за кансер в начале)
One of the first anime i've watchMan, the nostalgia !
oh m y
Nice map good one !
nice map
I just S'd Laurier's Blaze with 559 combo. I think my whole neighbourhood heard me yelling out of happiness. It was weighed at 111pp and I got 12pp added on.
After over 30 attempts at trying to S FC Dark's Insane, I finally did it, and got 25pp from it, too. Yay.
Season 2 Absolute Duo ?
no second season its ended
400 combo and 0 pp??
i will not rest till im top 50 on this for non-mods :D
http://puu.sh/fJRF5/e433d2e... hvick225 replay http://puu.sh/g2d5e/8f02cbd...
two ways
Cute :'3
moe moe da
Hvick's first place is being threatened by the WubWoofWolf.
ok hvick that was fast
wtf where'd hvick go? O-O
map got rekt'd by QAT
RIP 400pp play
unrank + rerank
well done :3