fanzhen0019's Maps Compilation 2
IIDX ONLY maps collections from
ALL OF fanzhen0019's maps which r not ranked or even uploaded ever.
most of fanzhen0019's iidx maps r made in his mature mapping phase.
fanzhen's pityRiP iidx
/me hugs fanzhen
but fanzhen is still too lazy
/me slaps fanzhen
(oh, seems like u r really interested in my photo? www
maps list- 1. nomico/DOWNFORCE - BRAVE OUT 2014.11.5
- 2. xac - Yellow Sunrise 2014.4.13
- 3. Sampling Masters MEGA - rottel-the-Mercury 2013.8.11
- 4. DJ TECHNORCH - 廿 2013.12.26
- 5. 猫叉Master+ - Funny shuffle 2014.12.2
- 6. ジャカルタファンクブラザーズ - INSOMNIA 2014.1.18
- 7. かめりあ feat. ななひら - ベィスドロップ?フリークス 2014.12.4
- 8. ARM feat.山本椛+Brasscapsule - カジノファイヤーことみちゃん 2014.11.18
- 9. dj MAX STEROID - Arabian Rave Night 2014.8.23
i have clearly said how to get ur reward, and maybe the probability of it is same to the one of u can fc it.
ok, lots of
hentai players told me that seems like these r too hard to fc? www then the reward may be given to the top:
everytime i got a higher score replay, i'll update it and reflesh the top information immediately.
the dead end will be 2015/05/31(yyyy/mm/dd) and the last top player will gain the reward. shut down ahead.
current top rank:
player: Axarious
score: 127,894,114 (2322c)
herelast update: 2015/05/21 (yyyy/mm/dd)