Thank you for playing...
Big Thanx for ExUsagi for the SB \^.^/ + Arviejhay !!!(Collabing
Ichigaki and
[shana lesus] for infinite)
Status :
Bubbled by Harbyter o/
Qualified by RuberusuScarlet o/
NOVICE Lv. 8 : Basic notes which is good for a start!....
ADVANCED Lv. 12 : For advanced player...exactly... ._.
EXHAUST Lv. 14 : Probably hard, but you will love the Double Note style here...
Ichi x Shana INFINITE Lv.16 : The collab that will mezmerize you...
ChangelogSubmitted at 11/12/2014
Updated as Shana's mod >>> 12/12/2014
Self mod(change artist name and hitsound) >>> 12/12/2014
Updated as Veritrica's mod >>> 12/12/2014
Updated as Z3nx's mod >>> 12/12/2014
Self mod (fix source and some pattern in Diff Novice Lv.8) >>> 16/12/2014
Updated as LNP's mod >>> 16/12/2014
Updated as Puxtu's mod >>> 18/12/2014
Updated as Shinzo's mod >>> 18/12/2014
Updated as Bilqis's mod >>> 19/12/2014
Updated as Ichi's mod >>> 20/12/2014
Updated as Hokin's mod >>> 22/12/2014
Submitted Ichi x Shana INFINITE Lv.16 >>> 22/12/2014
Updated as Niji's mod >>> 23/12/2014
Self mod(editing 1ms unsnapped notes problem,except INFINITE) >>> 23/12/2014
Updated as added ExUsagi's SB >>> 23/12/2014
Updated as Yuuto's mod and 1ms unsnapped problem at INFINITE >>> 24/12/2014
Updated as Blocko and DC's mod >>> 24/12/2014
----------Merry Christmas \w/ >>> 25/12/2015----------
Updated as Daniel's mod >>> 25/12/2014
Updated as Harby's mod and some Ichi's mod by irc >>> 31/12/2014
Updated Ichi x Shana INFINITE Lv. 16 >>> 31/12/2014
----------Happy New Year \w/ >>> 01/01/2015----------
Updated all diff as ExUsagi's mod >>> 04/01/2015
Updated diff ADV for better spread diff >>> 07/01/2015
Updated as Kuo Kyoka's mod >>> 19/01/2015
Updated SB and diff name >>> 20/01/2015
Updated Ichi x Shana's INFINITE lv.16 as rumi's check >>> 06/02/2015
Updated SB to fix un-synced SB and some self mod >>> 11/02/2015
Updated SB as Arvie's SB mod >>> 14/02/2015
Updated as fixing missing HS and 1ms unsnapped notes(again) >>> 17/02/2015
Updated Ichi x Shana's INFINITE lv.16 as raika's check >>> 18/02/2015
Updated as fix the mp3 and new offset >>> 19/02/2015
Updated Ichi x Shana's INFINITE lv.16 as DC's check , different preview time and SB update >>> 20/02/2015
Updated all as DC's last check. >>> 25/02/2015
Updated SB , soft-hitclap and timing as Starry's check>>> 26/02/2015
Updated as resized some jpeg resolution, etc >>> 27/02/2015
Updated diff NOVICE as Starry's check >>> 28/02/2015
Arvie takes a roll in the SB!!! Updated the SB >>> 28/02/2015
Updated NOVICE as Harby's check >>> 08/03/2015
Updated all diff as Harby's check >>> 10/03/2015
Updated EXHAUST as irc with Harby >>> 10/03/2015
Updated INFINITE (Ichi's part) as irc with Harby >>> 10/03/2015
Updated ADVANCED as irc with Harby >>> 11/03/2015
Updated the HS at all diff (except ADV) as Harby's check >>> 11/03/2015
Updated HS at ADV and INFINITE (shana's part) >>> 12/03/2015
Updated all last problem(SB, and HS) and INFINITE (shana's part) >>> 13/03/2015
Bubbled by Harby o/ >>> 13/03/2015
Updated as Rube's check >>> 14/03/2015
Qualified by Rube o/ >>> 14/03/2015
Ranked \o/ >>> 21/03/2015